1. String Of Pearls

    Date: 5/24/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex Written by women Author: Lostlady

    ... time getting a reaction. I knew I was in control, if I were to pull them out now, he’d probably come like a racehorse, but I wanted to wait until he shot off naturally. All I was worried about was if I was in mid-orgasm when he came, would I remember to pull them out (On the other hand, if I didn’t, we would have had to do it again. Sometimes our problems have such pleasant solutions.). Then it happened, I felt the first throb from the stiff prick in my swollen pussy. He was starting to come. I started to pull the beads out slow and steady (I guess push might be a better term, if you think about it, since I had to use an outward motion, but that might be confusing.). As his cock spurted cum into me, it seemed to me that it jerked and bounced as each bead came out past his tightly clinched anus. This unfamiliar sensation in my twat, whether real or imaginary, was all I needed. I was off again to ecstasy-land as my second orgasm ripped through my fatigued body. I went limp (As did Charley.) and lay there with him collapsed on top of me. Finally, he rolled off me and I shifted over on my side and fell ...
    ... asleep. I woke up about an hour later, Charley was snoring away, the room was a mess, and I needed shower. It had been a hell of a night, but it was over. I had the feeling, you get on December 26, the party’s over and it won’t happen again for a long while. Now there are two non-sexual follow ups to this tale. The first is Charley; he didn’t stick around too long. I did this to please him and make him happy, but instead he got the idea I was a depraved slut: good enough to spend time with, but not to stay with. Ironic, huh? Second, on a girl’s night out with some of my regular customers, after a few drinks, I told them the story of the blow job. The next day they came to the shop; one of them had gotten ahold of one of those jewelry department display pieces, the ones that have a neck on a stand, and presented it to me. Cheap plastic covered with fake black velvet, the ideal thing to display a phony pearl necklace. I sanitized the beads and brought them in the next day and hung them on the stand. I’ve kept it on display on top of a cabnet in the shop, a private inside joke between me and the girls. 