How Far Can I go chapter.1
Date: 5/23/2017, Categories: Fantasy Blackmail, Humiliation Incest Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Pencil Scibbling
... with massive grinding action. Half way through me jerking it I heard it. The garage door. You know that moment that you are jerking yourself off and you hear the floor creak outside your door so you throw a blanket over yourself and kind have a mini freak out? Multiply that by five and that's what I did. Not only did I have no idea who it was because it had only been thirty minutes and my mom was out of town but I had no idea what to do. Massive boners in gym shorts weren't exactly easy to hide so I did the most clever thing I could think of. Pillow on the lap. Who would wonder why a random pillow is on your lap in midday? Great idea I know. The door opened and all I heard was running and crying so I called my sisters name hoping it was her. "Kayla...?" She came running through the house and to the family room where I was a afraid look on. "You can't tell mom." She told me "Tell mom what...?" I asked "Come with me." By that time my boner was gone so she led me to the garage to the master piece that is our mom's car. A Audi Quatro with silver rims in its prime which was an hour ago it was a beauty. Now it looked like a tornado of branches and leaves invaded its interior. "What.. did.. you do..?" I asked in awe. "I dropped my phone so I reached down to get it. I swear I had a mile left of straight away but as soon as I looked up we were heading off the road and into the forest. You can't tell mom!" she sounded frantic So as a good little brother who cares so deeply for his ...
... sister I did the right thing. Reached in my pocket and snapped as many pictures as I could. "What are you doing?!?!?" She screamed at me "Well I'm guessing you don't want me to tell mom? I need a few things done like my room cleaned and whatever else I can think of. Maybe we can work out a deal for a month?" I asked waving my phone in my hand "Fine whatever you want just don't send that picture!" She was relieved I wasn't going to send it. "I have leaves and dirt in my hair I'm going to get a shower. I will work on the car tomorrow." She told me She walked up the stairs and I heard the shower slip on. I went and got on the couch and started planning my month. First my room could get cleaned and I won't need to cook anything either. This is going to be a great month I thought to myself. Then I remember my blue balls. "I wonder..." I thought just as the shower turned off. I heard Kayla walk into her room from downstairs and decided that I the odds are in my favor so I set off. I gave her enough time to get dressed before I walked into her room. I decided I need to act confident so no knock is needed. As I opened my door she turned and looked at me. "Chris jeez you could at least knock! I'm not wearing any pants." She wasn't lying. She was just wearing a huge white shirt that covered her panties. Her hair was still wet from the shower. I decided it was now or never. "I was just bored and wanted to hang out in here for a bit since I never get to be in here. That isn't a problem is ...