1. A Most Unusual Evening

    Date: 10/13/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Mature Author: brianbigdogsmith

    ... underestimate me sweetheart," I said smoothly, confident that Jennifer would never have any fantasies that would upset my sensibilities. I guessed she would probably go for dress-up role play, or maybe mild bondage. "Now, please begin." I was genuinely interested, plus I wanted to encourage her effort at communicating and on top of everything else, I sensed that maybe this would provide an opening to discuss my own efforts to 'achieve my fantasies.' "Okay." She said slowly, drawing a deep breath. "Here goes. You know the Regency Club, right?" I nodded. It was a fancy private club for LA's wealthy elite, many of whom were Jennifer's clients, leading to numerous business meals there for her. I had been to a few with her myself. "There's a parking attendant there that I, um, think is kind of hot. He's tall, dark, muscular. He always has compliments for me. Very polite - but clearly interested." My wife's fantasy was José the valet? Not what I expected, but okay, I guess. "I was wearing a slit skirt today," Jennifer continued, "and I may have given him a bit of thigh as I got out of the car. He said that I was 'looking very nice today' and our eyes met as he helped me out. As I was sitting in my meeting I began to dream about what would have happened if I had just hopped back into the car with him and driven off to a secluded corner of the garage." "What would you have done, sweetheart?" I encouraged, gently. "Oh I wouldn't have done anything!" she replied hastily, "But I can ...
    ... imagine doing something - in my fantasies. "Tell me your fantasy. I really want to know what it is. And don't leave anything out!" Jennifer chuckled softly but didn't hesitate. "In my fantasy, I go back to the valet and find Roger there." "Roger?" I inquired. I was going to make a joke about getting 'rogered,' but I thought better of it. "That's what his nametag says," she said with a furious blush. "Anyway, I tell him that I left something in the car and he offers to show me where it is parked and leads me down to the lower level, where I have never been before. It's dark down there. And quiet. I open the door and lean in, pretending to look around, while I let him get a good look at my butt in my tight skirt. "Since I can't find it, I get in the back seat and start to look there. 'Can I help you look?' he asks, and of course I say yes, so he goes to the other side of the car and starts to look on the seat there. Neither of us has any idea what we're searching for, but we're looking just the same. There is something on the floor on his side and we both reach for it at the same time. Our hands touch and I look into his eyes. The next thing I know, we are kissing feverishly. His hands are all over me, driving me crazy. I can't control myself as he takes my clothes off and we have sex right there in the back seat." "Hold on there!" I interrupt. "Slow down. You're going way too fast. I want to hear the details. Where does he touch you? Where do you touch him? What are you thinking ...