1. The Dog Who Brought Dinner - Chapter 3

    Date: 5/16/2017, Categories: Fantasy Anal Bestiality, Coercion Consensual Sex Domination/submission Erotica Hardcore Oral Sex Rape Romance Author: oldsteve

    THE DOG WHO BROUGHT DINNER & FRIENDS – Chapter 3 A total fantasy story written by one who has never had sex with a dog…but who would like to… Introduction: From Chapter 2: But the black sensed my wakefulness, and I sensed his cock grow, and, given he was still inside me, I pulled him as I rolled to my front, and he slipped his hind legs behind me as I rose to my knees, and I gave him his natural position for a morning fuck. I wasn`t sure, however, how faithful he could be, or how long I could take 3 or 4, or multiple, fucks in one night, if he wanted or needed every night, and if his home was the temple pack, when would he decide to go there? These were questions of a fearful lover, afraid of losing their partner, but they weren`t questions for now, so I moved my pelvis and joined in his making of love, and welcomed the day to come. Part 1 When he pulled out of me, he went to the door, and I suddenly thought of his toilet needs. I called to him and took him to my bathroom, took the filter plate from the drainage hole and told him to do what he must on the tile floor, while I gave him privacy and took my toothbrush and hand towel out to the kitchen, washed and cleaned my teeth, and finished, found him standing in the bathroom – under the shower nozzle, as if he wanted a shower. “Well, ok” I told him, firstly washing water down the drain. I shampooed him, rinsed him, even decided to give him my toothbrush, and brushed his teeth, without toothpaste; he pushed his paw up against ...
    ... my chest, and I laughed, and he hugged me, jumping up on me with both forepaws, and dancing on his hind legs, happy himself, I was sure, and showing me by having his cock starting to come from its sheath. I put him back down, sat down myself, and finished his wash by doing his belly and sheath, his ball sac, and his anus and tail. He washed me by licking my own growing cock, but I told him “we need some food first”; I dried him with my towel, realised I had no new one for myself after I had also showered, and shrugged, using the same wet one until I got more organised. I cooked him fresh steamed rice and only had sliced ham to add for him at this stage, assuming he didn`t want to eat spicy pork which I had in the fridge for myself, but which I now threw into the rubbish bin, as it was 3 days old. I made a café while I waited for the rice and a piece of toast with honey for now; he sniffed at it, so I made him one also, and it was gone in 2 bites. The more substantial meal he also gulped down, so I made a second dish for him, and he ate slower, but all of it also, and then drank copious gulps of water, and then lay down, looking full and happy and sated. Part 2 He spent 3, fuck-filled days and nights with me, but then I knew he wanted to go: how…I felt it, and when I went to the car, he bounced after me, and I was doubly sure. My wife hadn`t questioned his presence, but she had no friends over for those same 3 days, and didn`t ask me for sex. What she did do was send photos to ...