1. Old friend to friends with benefits.

    Date: 10/13/2015, Categories: Anal Hardcore Mature Author: satyajeet

    No, I do not know her exact figure at sight (which means this is indeed a true story) with my Old Friend I’m sure she could’ve felt that I was trying my best to look at her. The reason for my attraction wasn’t exactly her looks but the constant sarcasm she expressed in a phone call she had just attended. I wouldn’t say I was turned on, but surely interested in talking to her. About myself, I do not feel like banging every other girl I see. I need to be attracted to her personality first, and this one, seemed to be quite something. Since she was sitting just next to me at the metro platform, it was difficult to see her face directly, until she asked me the time. I laughed and said “3:15″. She said, “What’s so funny about the time?” To which I replied with the question “Srishti Goel?” She stared at me for a while with questioning looks and then exclaimed pleasantly “Ankur? When did u get your braces off?” I took it pretty smoothly from that point onwards because of the fond memories of our tuition we shared. I used to be the “funny guy” in the tuition in which we studied together, and she would always sit next to me because I would often help her out with math, in which she was quite weak. We talked for a while and it was a very pleasant conversation that we had, some metros had passed by and I asked to confirm if she had to be somewhere else. She told me she was waiting for a friend to help her with her assignment due next day. I offered to help her out since it was math n she ...
    ... willingly agreed. We went to a CCD nearby and I ordered coffee for both of us while helping her with the questions. I insisted on paying and she cracked some jokes on how I used to be in tuition when I had to pay for something. There it was her sarcasm yet again but more than that (pretty obviously) her breasts were catching my attention as she was sitting in front of me now. I wasn’t exactly gazing as I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable but I made sure I got a good view when she would be solving her questions. I began noticing other features of her as well that had changed for the good. Her face was so much more attractive; her breasts seemed so full. Mostly, the conversation was so smooth that everything about her seemed sexually attractive. Wouldn’t call her a sex goddess but if I got the chance, I’d just take her in my arms and get busy with her. She got up to go to the washroom n her ass looked so inviting that I cursed myself for not being a jerk who would just go for it in situations like these. Instead, I was being a perfect gentleman, and I hated it. By the time she came back, I had finished my coffee and she asked me how it was, I told her it was amazing and asked her the same, to which she expressed her disappointment. I told her that we could order more but she denied, I asked her why she didn’t have mine when I offered to share, she just shrugged it off and jokingly said, “But there’s some on your lips” I didn’t know how to react to that. Knowing her, I ...