A cruel friendship
Date: 5/16/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Author: littlequitter
It’s Saturday night and I’m with two of my friends at their house, we’re drinking and smoking joints and I’m pretty fucked already, I keep imagining scenarios that break up when I open my eyes; closing them spins me around in a whirl that i ride for as long as can before I jerk myself back into reality. It’s a bit like drowning, I suppose, but drowning wouldn’t make me shift around in my seat or pull the crotch of my shorts tight or surreptitiously reach to graze my nipples through the thin cotton top I’m wearing. “Katy, what are you doing?” I start guiltily and look around to see Joanna looking at me curiously. “Um,” I stall. “I was itchy.. I think I got bitten by something.” I sit on my hands. “That’s no good.” Her tone is conciliatory but her gaze is speculative as she looks me over, slowly, making me squirm in my seat. “You look flushed as well, maybe you’ve got a fever?” “Yeah, maybe..” I can feel myself starting to blush. “I’ll get you some water. Melissa, look after Katy, something bit her on the chest.” She leaves the room and Melissa joins me on the couch, sitting across from me. She’s smiling a little. “Ok, where does it hurt?” Too dazed to lie, I point to somewhere on my sternum. “Let’s have a look,” Melissa says, grabbing the bottom of my top and pulling up. “Wait, you don’t need to do that, I’ll be fine,” I say, trying to push her hand away, blushing furiously. The door opens and Joanna reappears. “Here you go,” she says, handing me a glass. “Make sure you drink ...
... the whole thing.” I down it obediently. Melissa resumes her efforts and I struggle weakly, protesting, but Joanna pushes me back into the couch, sitting on my other side. “You’re really being very silly. We just want to make sure these bites aren’t serious,” she says, holding me down as Melissa works my top up my torso and over my arms. Defeated, almost speechless in my consternation, I allow my bra to be unhooked and my tits fall out, heavy, nipples so hard they hurt. Melissa casually pinches one and I gasp. “Relax Katy. We’ve got to be thorough.” Minutes pass. I’m overloaded with sensation. They handle me indifferently, squeezing, rubbing, cupping, and every time they brush my nipples it sends a spasm of pleasure to my cunt. Pretty soon I’m squirming in my seat, biting my lips swollen to keep from moaning and gradually I start to notice a certain unraveling of my thoughts. The room light dances and leaves trails when I turn my head. I feel warm and my skin is tingling and I am preternaturally aware of the hands touching me, the heat in the pit of my stomach, my aching, needy cunt. “That water,” I hear myself say as if from very far away. “What did you put in that water” No answer. They turn me onto my stomach, lying across Joanna’s knees while Melissa sits beside, her legs draped over mine. I’m too loose and floppy, too pliable to do anything more than weakly struggle to get back on my knees before I’m pushed flat, my face in a pillow, muffling my squeak of dismay. I feel ...