1. She is the One (Part 17)

    Date: 5/13/2017, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: jashley13

    ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mom finally deigned to let us help prepare for Thanksgiving dinner the day before…by helping clean the house. It wasn’t the most exciting thing but at least it was something . And it gave dad a chance to see Alan and Amanda doing chores together and acting ‘normal’ while they did it. I think he imagined they spent most of their times with one hand down the others’ pants. We fetched a leaf for the table, expanding it so it would accommodate the extra three people. Normally, we added the leaf around the holidays to hold all the food but with the added portions mom was making, we would have to serve out in the kitchen. By Thanksgiving morning, the counters were groaning under the weight of…well, let me just make a quick list of everything mom made: - Turkey that had been simmered in a vinaigrette sauce. - Salted ham - Pumpkin bread - Coleslaw - Green beans with butter - Shrimp cocktails (not the booze kind, obviously) - Mashed potatoes with a choice of sour cream or butter - Fruit salads with every fruit imaginable (and my mom considered tomatoes fruits) - Buttermilk biscuits - Cornbread with cranberry sauce - Chilled pasta salad - Turkey stuffing (with sausage) - Hand-tossed salad with about five different dressing choices I’m sure she had a fancy name for each dish but that’s how I classified them. What’s that? You thought she was going ...
    ... to cut back on all the food? The scary thing is…this was her cutting back. There were at least a half-dozen other dishes that got the ax. Frankly, I had no clue what the Hannigans could bring that would be anywhere different than this. Everyone put on slightly nicer clothes than normal (by slightly nicer, I mean I had a button-up shirt and slacks) and set the table with the good plates and silverware that we saved for these special occasions. Mom was twitchy, constantly running into the kitchen to check on various dishes and fretting about whether or not something needed to be put back in the oven for ‘just a touch-up’. “Dear,” dad growled through a gritted smile, “It’s fine .” “The pasta salad isn’t tossed enough,” mom muttered in a sotto voice, “I should put it back in the—” “You should leave it alone,” dad grumbled, “It’s fine .” “But what if—” “Mom,” Alan groaned, “Seriously, it all looks great! And it’ll taste great!” “Oh my God! I didn’t do a taste-test!” mom moaned, her hands at her face. The doorbell rang and I hastened to answer it, ready for some relief from the nutty atmosphere that had me wanting to climb the walls. I opened the door and, to my relief, was greeted at once by Kayla’s gorgeous smile. Her hair looked like it had been glossed and gleamed as brightly as the silver hair-bow that held together her loose ponytail. They’d also made an effort to dress up without going too dressy. Kayla was wearing a bright blouse with a checkered skirt, Mr. Hannigan wore a ...