From Sex Deprived to Sex Addicted Pt. 6
Date: 5/13/2017,
Cum Swallowing
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: smwriter213, Source:
... further behind Roberta as if he was cowering in fear over the conflict that was taking place. Nick’s face was as red as a cherry tomato. He strode over to his mother in hopes of ending the conflict. “Don’t you think it’s a good idea to talk about this later, mom? I’ve gotten to know Frank and he’s not all bad. Maybe we could invite him over for dinner and talk this over,” Nick said. “Oh no,” Roberta said. “We are certainly not inviting him over for dinner. I don’t think there’s anything left to say at this point other than I don’t want you around this man. Do you understand?” Nick nodded. His mother wanted to be in control and she made sure her orders were followed. But Nick knew he needed to continue to see his father. His advice wasn’t particularly helpful this time but Frank knew Nick’s struggles and would be more helpful in helping Nick conquer his battles than anyone else. “Good,” Roberta said. “Frank, that goes for you too. Now let’s get out of here and go somewhere else to eat. The food’s not that good anyway.” “Hi, Mrs. Jameson!” Nick looked over at the table where his friends were seated and noticed Trent waving to his mother. It was quite a way to interrupt the tension that filled the air. “Hi, honey,” Roberta said sternly to Trent before turning to Nick and her husband. “Let’s go.” After the chaotic incident at Louie’s yesterday, Nick hoped for a much more normal day at school today. Last week was much more interesting than usual and Nick just wanted to keep ...
... things under control this week. As usual, he swung by Danny’s house to drive him to school. Similar to last Monday, Danny entered the car with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s so funny?” Nick asked. “You only smile like this on Fridays, not Mondays.” “Man, we have a lot to catch up on,” Danny said. Nick was intrigued. The phrase “catch up” was more often thrown around by the girls at school and usually followed with gossip about who bought the latest outfit where and who was dating whom. Danny had no need for such discussions, so Nick wondered what he was getting at. He offered a guess. “You found your homecoming date? It seems like I’m the only one with a date so far so it’d be nice to not be the only one in our group with one.” “Of course I’ll have a fucking date,” Danny said. “That’s not important. I had an interesting discussion with Jake on Friday.” “Yeah? About what?” Nick asked. Nick was at Danny’s house with Jake, Mitch, and Trent, drinking beer and playing Texas Hold ‘Em, so he would have overheard what they were talking about that was of interest to him. Unless the discussion took place when Nick went to the bathroom. “Apparently, you visited someone on Wednesday. Or should I say, someone visited you,” Danny said. Was he talking about Cookie? Why did Jake tell him about Cookie? Nick imagined planting his fist against the side of Jake’s face once he walked in the school doors. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nick lied, as he pushed the accelerator ...