My First Sexual Encounter
Date: 5/11/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Consensual Sex Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Author: xxxstories
*Knock, knock, knock* It took a few seconds before the door swung open for me to be greeted by my beautiful girlfriend Jane. She was about 5'2" with light brown hair, huge tits and a round firm ass. We had been together about a month and I felt like the luckiest man in the world. "Hey baby" I said as I walked through the doorway. She grabbed by hand and pulled me towards her landing a long kiss square on my lips, pressing her tits up against my stomach. I could feel an immediate reaction stirring in my boxers. "Hi John" she replied. She led me by the hand through the hallway, into the kitchen and straight out the back door into the garden. Jane had a garage at the end of her garden which had a sofa and a TV in it and that was where we always had our sleepovers. "Frank and Anna here yet?" I asked. "Yes they're already down there" she smiled back at me. Frank and Anna had been going out for about 3 months longer than Jane and I had. Myself and Frank had been best friends years before either of us met the girls, and through us they both became good friends too. I walked through the door of the shed to see Shaun of the Dead on the TV and Frank and Anna making out on the sofa. "Break it up you two" I joked, we were used to getting passionate around each other. "Fuck off" Frank responded, laughing. "We can both hear you to getting it on on that sofa behind us on every sleepover." Jane and I both blushed, but the truth was that we had never had sex and I was still a virgin; the ...
... most we'd ever done was that we'd dry-humped a bit. Before I go any further I should let you in on the text conversation from the night before. *The night before* John: Wanna play a game? xx Jane: What game? xx John: We ask eachother any question and the other has to answer truthfully xx Jane: Okay, you start xx John: What's the furthest you've gone with a guy? xx Jane: Promise to keep a secret? xx John: Of course xx Jane: Anal xx John: Seriously? Aren't you a bit young for that? xx Jane: I didn't want to get pregnant, plus I've been playing with myself there for years so.. xx John: Who with? xx Jane: Tom, why? xx John: No reason xx (Truth is I was a bit jealous at this point) Jane: Would you want to try that with me? xx (At this point I may have actually cum in my pants where I was laying) John: Sure, tomorrow? xx Jane: Not sure with the other two there, definitely another day though xx John: Okay. I'm gonna go to sleep now see you tomorrow, I love you :* xxx Jane: Night I love you too :* xxx I jacked off at least 4 times before finally falling asleep that night. *11 am the night of the sleepover* Jane and I were laying on the sofa, with Frank and Anna laying on the floor in front. Both couples were underneath duvets to conceal any activies that may go on throughout the night. Jane and I were in a spooning position, and the feel of her ass pressed up against my cock had had me hard for hours now. She knew it and was just teasing me, wiggling it around every now and then. I ...