1. 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain Chap 18

    Date: 5/9/2017, Categories: True Story BDSM Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Domination/submission Erotica massage, Young Author: mikemiller63

    50 Shades of Beech Mountain Chap 18 The twins woke me with smells of hot coffee and something cooking in my kitchen. I woke with my usual morning wood and used the bathroom to take care of that and grab a quick shower. It was only 6:30am and the sun had yet to peek over the mountaintops. Jan stuck her head inside the shower. I had just soaped up my cock and balls. “ Sir--your breakfast is waiting for you. OMG it’s soo pretty!” I think I blushed a bit but I threw my washcloth at her just barely missing as she giggled and left. I dressed casual in my jogging pants and tank top. I had no kitchen table to speak of--just a bar with a few stools and I would never eat there. I sat on my big couch and Jan brought me the steaming cup of coffee. “I’ll be eating right here” I said. The rather long knee high coffee table that was in front of the couch was the perfect breakfast area as it would allow enough space for all to eat together. Within minutes a large platter appeared with a half dozen eggs over medium - a dozen bacon strips that had been cooked rather crispy -- biscuits that looked delicious and a bowl of dark brown gravy. I had not eaten a home breakfast like this in a couple years, only at Waffle House or Dennys. A good southern home breakfast. Mmmm. There was a jar of apple butter and some of the soft type butter spread also for a dessert. “This is really a surprise ladies, I had no clue you were such good cooks.” I was eating like a king, and they both seemed very pleased ...
    ... that they had made me happy. “Our Mom taught us both how to cook Sir. We can do a killer fried chicken and also potato salad.” Josie said as she blushes and bit at her lower lip.. Soo sexy. “I made the gravy from the bacon dripping’s Dano. It isn’t too dark is it?” Jan smiled. Jan was ever curious to what I thought. It’s how I could tell them apart. They ate like birds compared to me however. I cleaned my plate and had another. This plate was about gravy and biscuits, with a couple strips of bacon crumbled over it. An old southern meal that’s very filling. Jan split a biscuit and lathered it’s center with butter and apple butter and lay it to the side of my coffee. I was in heaven! I might just keep them here to cook for me. I felt some praise was deserving of them. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a finer breakfast! Thank you both for starting my day off so well.” They both smiled widely and said “Thank you Sir” in unison again. Josie spoke again saying “ And we thank you Sir for the wonderful time we had last night. We can’t wait to learn more about the craft.” I refilled my coffee and headed down to my office as the twins cleaned up their kitchen mess. I told them to see that the place was spotless each day before work. Donna unlocked the front doors for our members about ten minutes early as I reached the door of my office. I could hear them but not see down the hall where I was. I booted my computer and checked about my wire transfer..Yes it was waiting for me as soon as I ...