A New Day, A New You part 4
Date: 5/7/2017, Categories: Fiction Anal Black, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Interracial, Male/Female Oral Sex Author: P.O.I., Source: sexstories.com
Guy: Tuesday Morning I saw Imelda off for home about two hours ago, she has her business and I have mine but having a nice night alone with the wife or wives is always a good thing. I put our early morning conversation on the back burner as I proceed to handle the current task at hand. First thing is Stuart walking into the tech center that was once Claire’s living room and immediately he starts unplugging things while talking with Jun. Apparently he knows a better way to set up the equipment and even starts putting color coded tabs on the more high tech systems so that reassembly at a later date will be easier. Biggest point is that Jun is happy with the changes and is off to the races to find our wayward hacker that Mr. Weisner has on his payroll at best and freelanced at worst. I am giving out orders to my team as Claire and her boys listen quietly from the kitchen, Isaac is on Mr. Weisner while I put Wilma on standby with Stuart for phase one on the hacker. Ben is quiet this morning but when I tell him to find me an ally with Mrs. Montgomery’s former bosses he’s happy to get on to business. I swear Wilma is a robot some days; Katy has her so geared to whatever she says that if Katy tells her ‘Martha Stewart’ the woman just starts cleaning and cooking. She made breakfast for everyone this morning and after the cleaning crew overhauled the house she’s doing a wonderful job of keeping it up to a better standard. I notice that Claire has been upstairs for a couple minutes ...
... and I decide to look in on her and see she has her phone out and is talking to someone. “I found him Meri…. Yes I found your mystery man…. No he’s here and I didn’t tell him that you were the one who pointed me towards the PI down there…. He’s not going to do anything he’s not scary like you said he would be,” Claire says turning and seeing me in the doorway of her bedroom. “Claire hand me the phone,” I tell her holding out my hand. Slowly she hands me her smart phone and I smile as I look at the name, Meredith is very familiar to me. “Hello? Claire are you there,” I hear Meredith ask from the other end. “Hello Meredith,” I say into the phone smiling. “Oh my god Guy. I swear I didn’t tell her your name or anything, I promise I didn’t think she’d find you. Please don’t come after me,” Meredith says into the phone fearful and panicking. “Meredith I want you to calm down please, I’m not mad but I am… disappointed. Your friend, now our friend, was in trouble and you didn’t call me? Meri I am beginning to think you don’t want me as a friend anymore,” I say into the phone still smiling while Claire sits on her bed scared for her friend. “Guy I am sorry I didn’t mean to betray your trust. After everything you did for me and my family I still feel like I owe you,” Meredith says trying to plead to my merciful side. “Meredith again please calm down, take a few breaths,” I say waiting for her fear to tone down a few notches,” Now I’m not mad about what happened, you didn’t give her me you ...