1. A Tale of Survival chapter 1

    Date: 5/7/2017, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: kscorn079

    Jeanie Scoville arrives at the ranch that has been her home for two years. The ranch foreman Dave Gibbons helps her out of the big red Dodge dually pickup. Jeanie looks fearfully around. "Thanks for picking me up Dave, is Damon still in jail?" Dave closes the truck door and takes her arm, helping her into the huge house. "Yes, Mrs Scoville he was arraigned this morning and should be out on bail at three this afternoon. I have to go pick him up then. " Dave calls out to the housekeeper, Rita Gomez. "Rita you need to stay with Mrs Scoville, the doctor at the hospital said she needs bed rest and she hasn't had anything to eat this morning. " Rita comes scurrying out of the dining room and takes Jeanie by the arm, "Come with me ma'am and I'll get you fixed right up." Jeanie sits down on the bed. "Rita if you could just please get me something to eat and have Dave come in here, I need to talk to him." Rita runs back out just as Dave is getting into the truck. "Dave, Mrs Scoville wants to talk to you ." Dave walks back in and seeing Jeanie sitting on the bed, he frowns at her. "Ma'am you are supposed to be in bed, not on it. Doctor said you came really close to losing your baby." Jeanie raises her chin and tears fill her eyes. "Dave this has to be between you and I. This is the third time Damon has beat me, it won't happen again. I'm going to leave before he gets home. I want you to get the four wheeler out and fill it with gas. I'll ride it out to the highway and leave it in the ...
    ... ditch. I'll just take one suitcase and I'm going to disappear. I just need you to help me a little bit please." Dave looks sadly at her. "Ma'am you know he will try to find you. How can you travel in your condition?" "I'm going to hitchhike, that way he won't be able to track me." "Jeanie, er ma'am, you are six months pregnant and been beat up. How about if I borrow one of the trucks and I'll take you wherever you want to go?" "No Dave. You have worked for him for fifteen years and he would fire you in a heartbeat. I won't be responsible for you losing your job, I'll be just fine." Jeanie Scoville, thirty years old, five foot four, a hundred thirty pounds, dark short hair and electric blue eyes. Bright outgoing personality, happy with ranch life until Damon became abusive. She is six months pregnant. Married for two years to Damon Scoville, fifty years, six foot four, two hundred forty pounds, greying hair and brown eyes. Owner of Bar S Ranch, Kerrville, Wyoming, twenty-seven thousand acres, raising cattle and horses, oil wells and natural gas. He is independently wealthy. He became abusive when Jeanie told him, stop chasing other women and drinking. Dave Gibbons, forty-two years old, six foot one, a hundred eighty pounds, brown hair and blue eyes. Has worked for Damon for fifteen years, twelve of them as ranch foreman. Counted as a good friend by Jeanie. After eating a sandwich and a piece of pie, Jeanie walks out of the house to find Dave waiting with the four wheeler. He ...