1. The Taking of Elizabeth: Chapter 4

    Date: 5/5/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Discipline, Domination/submission Humiliation Male/Female Non-consensual sex Rape Slavery, Stockholm Syndrome, Toys, Written by women Author: Breanna Renaud

    ... his lead, stabbing her fork into her chicken breast and using her knife to cut off just a small piece which she placed into her mouth. The flavor exploded in her mouth as soon as she began chewing. It was the sweetest, most tender piece of meat she’d ever eaten. Uncontrollably, Elizabeth let a small sound escape, then her eyes popped open as she realized. “It’s…” she tried to explain herself, “It tastes incredible, Sir…” “Thank you, slave,” he responded to her compliment nonchalantly as he took another bite of his own. Elizabeth, for just a moment, wondered if she’d done something wrong – something to upset him. But she didn’t dare ask. Instead, the two continued to eat in silence with one another for a few minute before finally, Kurt spoke again, “Raven told me a lot about you, Elizabeth. Your story interests me quite a bit. May I ask you some questions?” The blonde looked to him, eyes wide as he mentioned her story. She didn’t want to talk about her past, she’d never liked talking about it much. But the girl also knew that Kurt’s question was not really a question at all. It was a demand. “Y-Yes, you may, Sir.” “Grief is a terrible thing,” Kurt started, looking her directly in the eyes. His gaze was piercing. His voice was a low smolder, “At the age of seven, you lost both of your parents in a car wreck. You were even in the car with them at the time of the crash, is that right?” Elizabeth’s brows furrowed as he started digging into her past. Memories flashed through her ...
    ... mind, painful memories. She felt tears stinging behind her eyes and blinked them back. The girl couldn’t muster the strength to speak so she simply nodded her head yes to his question. “Then you moved with your grandparents. Your grandmother got sick a few years later and dropped dead?” Another small, sad nod. “Then, just a year ago, your grandfather suffered a massive stroke. He’s dead now, too, isn’t he?” Kurt continued to tease her, eating a bite of his food here and there. Elizabeth, however, was quickly losing her appetite. She didn’t touch the dish in front of her. Her heart felt as if it was breaking all over again. She swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. Once again, the girl nodded in confirmation. “Yet you still pressed on,” Kurt said, amusement in his voice, “Still top of your class. Seeking to a composer, correct?” He didn’t wait for her nod this time. He already knew the answers to all of these questions. There was a sick look of satisfaction on his face as he took another bite, then washed it down with the red wine in front of him. “Wh-Why are you doing this…?” she asked, wounded emotionally. Kurt shrugged his big shoulders for a moment as if he didn’t have a real answer for her. Then, he gave her a straight answer, “To show you that I know you. To show you I know your weaknesses and your strengths. I know what you’ve been through. I know you are alone in this world. I know there is no one looking for you.” Elizabeth ...