Neighborhood Mom, Part III
Date: 5/5/2017,
True Story
Author: luvsumcameltoe
... my mind. Every now and again she would put a hand on my thigh and rub her hand up and down it, as if to say "I know...I know...soon..." For an hour, maybe two, this went on. It felt like forever. For a few minutes I would focus on the computer and calm, and then she would shift and my mind would race again and I would feel that familiar tightness in my jeans. I figured K was asleep by now, but I really didn't have any idea how to proceed. Would we go to C's bedroom? What was she comfortable with? What if I made the wrong move and went too far? What move would I even make? I was clueless. I just knew I wanted it to happen. Something. Anything. At some point, C was stroking my thigh again and this time she moved her hand up to my crotch. She was on my left. The same leg my hard cock was straining in. She let her hand pass over it, tightening her hand a bit and feeling it. I tensed. Fuck that felt good. I glanced over at her and she winked. "Do you want to see my tits?" she queried quietly. I nodded quickly. "Then why don't you ask me to show them to you?" I didn't get it. I thought of all the reasons I didn't ask. I stammered out "I just...I just...didn't know...if..." She stopped me with a look. "If you want to see them, all you have to do is ask." It might seem stupid but it took me a few minutes to process that. The way I grew up, it would have never occurred to me that you could just ask a woman to see her boobs and she would show them to you. The way I grew up, women did ...
... not ever show their breasts to men. While I maybe had never really thought through it, I didn't even know for sure that married women showed their breasts to their husbands. This concept was so foreign to me. I didn't know what to make of it. I turned back to the computer and fiddled, mindlessly lost. Should I ask? Wasn't that what she was inviting me to do? I took in a deep breath. I couldn't look her in the eye. In an uncomfortable dry throated voice I managed to get out "Can I see your boobs?" Her unflappable calm was reassuring. She didn't skip a beat. She said nothing, and waited for me to look at her. Then, looking me directly in the eyes, she said softly "My tits. You want to see my tits. Tell me to show you my tits." I was nervous, uncomfortable, but aroused. Deep breath again. "Can you show me your tits?" I barely managed to get it out. She said nothing, just sat up and turned my chair to face her. Then she slowly, methodically, unbuttoned each remaining button of her top. My mind spun. C calmly and seductively pulled her top open so that each side of it fell to the sides of her breasts. I stared at them, taking them in. Big, beautiful breasts. Full and aroused. "Do you like them?" she asked. I nodded. For a minute, maybe even two full minutes we stayed locked in that position. Her watching me admire her amazing tits. Me awkwardly focused on them, unsure of what to do next. After a couple of minutes, when I did nothing, she pulled her top back slightly closed and said ...