1. The Battered Lamp Chapter Thirteen: The Despair of the Warrior

    Date: 4/28/2017, Categories: Fantasy BDSM Bondage and restriction Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female/Female Lesbian Male/Female Oral Sex Transgendered, Author: mypenname3000, Source: sexstories.com

    ... end of the earth, never giving up until it could rend her flesh. Why do I even try to escape? What life will I even have? Kyle hates me. I betrayed the man I love. I should just— A gentle hand touched her shoulder. “Do not give in to despair. It is fouling your mind, Christy. Believe in my mother. Ishtar will see you protected.” *She lies. Iris is as ephemeral as the rainbow, impossible to reach, impossible to trust, vanishing the moment you will need her most.* Iris turned Christy around, her rainbow face, a beautiful maiden's rippling with reds, blues, purples, greens, oranges, and yellows, her eyes pure white and full of caring trust. She cupped Christy's cheeks, warmth and love flushing through her. “You can trust me, Christy.” Then the spirit leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss upon the scared girl's lips. The fear left her, driven away by the kind spirit's touch. The hissing voice and skittering steps of Erinyes seemed banished by the purity of Ishtar's daughter, and Christy's heart beat with awakened desire. She sighed into the spirit's kiss, her arms wrapping around her rainbow flesh, soft and warm as any girl Christy had embraced. “Wow,” Christy panted when Iris pulled away. “You are a good kisser.” The crimsons and pinks seemed stronger on Iris's cheeks. “Thank you. It's not far. I have driven Erinyes back, but the sooner we reach the sanctuary, the better.” Christy nodded, and kept walking up the trail. “What is this sanctuary?” “A place dedicated to Ishtar. A ...
    ... path can be opened that will lead to the Goddess's bosom and there she will judge you and determine if you are worthy of being freed from Hecate.” “And if I'm not?” “You will be, Christy.” Christy swallowed, and reached out, touching Iris's shoulder. “And if I'm not?” “Then you will have to face the consequences of your decisions.” She flinched, a chill shivering through her, and her stomach twisted into sickening knots. “But you will be,” Iris assured her. “I wouldn't be helping you if I thought you weren't worthy of my mother's forgiveness.” “So it's a formality?” “Well, no. But you'll succeed. Trust me. I believe in you, Christy. You made a mistake, but your soul is full of love not hatred.” “Thank you.” A tear ran down Christy's cheek. She had felt so worthless since she betrayed Kyle. Maybe there was some hope for her. It took another fifteen minutes of walking as twilight deepened to reach the mouth of the cave. The trail grew rougher and steeper, the footing more treacherous, but Iris led her safely there. The cave seemed to appear in the face of a lichen strewn cliff-face. Christy could have sworn there was no cave piercing the gray rock when she first glimpsed it, but now that she was up close, it was so obvious she was confused how she had missed it. Iris stepped inside, a faint, nimbus of rainbowed light surrounding her, only visible in the near darkness of the cave. It was surprisingly warm in the cave, the walls dry and there was almost a sweet scent in the air. ...