1. The Battered Lamp Chapter Thirteen: The Despair of the Warrior

    Date: 4/28/2017, Categories: Fantasy BDSM Bondage and restriction Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female/Female Lesbian Male/Female Oral Sex Transgendered, Author: mypenname3000, Source: sexstories.com

    ... beneath her, threatening to collapse. She didn't care. She only cared about creaming this ebony-skinned beauty's face. “Oh, yes! You delightful slut! Oh, wow! I wish Kyle was here to see this!” Her husband would take the slut from behind, and they would share her. Her fantasy sent her over the edge, her pussy clenching and heat roared through her, driving away everything but the delight her new concubine was giving her. “Thank you, Kyle!” she gasped as her orgasm died down. Thank you for telling me to have fun. You're the best husband in the world. Teleisia looked up at her, her dark face drenched, and her eyes wide. “Did I please you, your Majesty?” “Yes, you did,” Aaliyah smiled, bending down to cup her cheeks, and pulled her up for a deep kiss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zaritha kept glancing at Kyle throughout the rest of English. The Ifrit could not believe she had just stumbled upon the little Djinn's master and husband. Her ploy of disguising herself as Lexie Lyndon was paying off. And she was unnerved. Aaliyah was far more powerful than she had thought. Royal blood definitely pumped through her veins. When Kyle had come in and began fucking Ms. Capello, Zaritha thought nothing unusual about such an act—Kyle was a great man who could have any woman he wanted. She hadn't felt the Djinn's power modifying her mind to accept the situation. It was only when she had bared her breasts in the middle of class did she realize she had been meddled with. She would need to armor ...
    ... herself against the Djinn's powers. Luckily, that wouldn't be hard. Like all men who possessed a Djinn, Kyle was becoming more and more corrupted by her power, craving more and more sex. Now that she recognized what was happening, she could not believe she had missed the signs. He had multiple wives, including his own sister, and even more concubines. The bell rang, and she hurried after Kyle as he ducked out of the classroom. “Kyle,” she called, and he stopped, turning, his eyes falling to her breasts once more hidden by her sweater. She wanted to tear his eyes out for daring to stare at her so, but she could smell the odor of dusty magic about him. He possessed an artifact of great power. It would be unwise of her to attack him without further study and planning. But she didn't need to attack him to armor herself. “I loved your reading in class, Lexie,” Kyle grinned. “Very stimulating.” “Thank you,” she giggled, stepping up. “Do you always fuck the teacher?” “Always. I can fuck anyone I want.” “Even me.” His grin slipped. “Only if you wanted me to. But yeah, I could fuck you right here in the hallway and no one would care.” She took a step closer, only a few inches from him; his breath quickened and a flush crept across his face. “Prove it. Fuck me right here, right now.” “All right.” She was ready for the Djinn's touch, and could just sense the little bitch's power reworking her brain. It was perfectly acceptable for Kyle to fuck her in the hallway, and she threw her arms ...