1. The Five Forms of Kimber Chapter 1: Fire Stone

    Date: 10/11/2015, Categories: Fantasy Male/Female Non-consensual sex Oral Sex Reluctance Author: Perv Otaku

    THE FIVE FORMS OF KIMBER by the Perv Otaku CHAPTER 1: FIRE STONE The figure of a female rose from behind the sand dune. The fine face, slender arms, small but shapely breasts, and the slim, uncovered belly showed that this was a beautiful woman. As she crested over the top of the dune, however, the truth revealed itself. Rather than legs, a long, brown scaled serpent's tail appeared below her waist, with a regular pattern of darker brown spots along the length. Her smallish breasts were covered by a matching snakeskin bandeau. Behind her head flared a cobra-like hood, though some short brunette hair covered her head on the front and sides. Her green eyes had vertically slit irises, and when she opened her mouth it revealed that her upper canine teeth were long, sharp fangs, and her tongue, though normal size, was forked at the tip. This creature was a naga, or some would call her a lamia, still others would say neither name applied. A dagger in a leather sheath was strapped to her left arm and she carried a knapsack on her back. A round golden medallion hung from her neck, resting high on her chest, between her collarbones. She consulted a map and a compass, and nodded to herself as she slithered down the dune towards the cliff face. As she got closer, she said to herself, "There you are. I've found it at last." Though crumbling from age and worn by many sandstorms, her trained eyes could still discern the once majestic carvings that designated this spot as a crypt of a ...
    ... great king, lost in the desert for ages and thought by many to be only a myth. Though the mountain was one of the few landmarks in the vast expanse of sand, without knowing where to look or what to look for, a great number of travelers had probably gone right past the tomb, unaware of the riches that legend said lay inside. She searched the rock face for a way inside, the opening secondary to the sealed main doorway, which was a common feature to the architectural designs of the era that built this tomb. It took some climbing up a nearly unrecognizable statue, but she finally located it. The tunnel was low and narrow, an adult human male would have probably become stuck had he attempted passage this way. The snake girl removed her knapsack and pushed it in front of her, lowering her nearly human upper half to the level of her reptilian body, and slithered through. It was still a close fit, but she made it through without incident. She emerged from the tunnel into total darkness, and lit a torch that she retrieved from her knapsack. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she saw two great beasts before her. Her hand went to her dagger, but the creatures did not move. She slowly moved closer and found that they were merely stone statues. One was a griffin, the body of a lion with the head, wings, and front legs of a bird of prey. The other was a manticore, again the body of a lion, but the tail of a scorpion and face with a flattened snout that gave it a more human appearance. She ...