1. Messy Roommate Redux Part Two

    Date: 4/28/2017, Categories: Fantasy Bi-sexual Blackmail, Cum Swallowing Humiliation Teen Male / Teen Male, Author: Nebic

    Messy Roommate Redux 2 Well I'm back with the next installment of Messy Roommate. Things are about to heat up, so I hope you enjoy it! "Ughhh, fuuck." Jim doubled over as he reached orgasm without touching himself. Ducking away from the laptop's camera he tried to be composed, and only after his load was released could he face his girlfriend. "What the hell was that?" She laughed, waiting on his response. "Sorry, honey something was uh, biting me." He lied, the warm gooey mess running down his leg. "I forgot to ask: how's your new roommate working out?" Jim tried adjusting his seat, but nothing helped. "Oh, Paul? He's uh, he's great. We get along really well." Jenny smiled again, her face glazed in a thick load of semen. "Look honey I need to go, we can talk tomorrow okay?" Jim said, trying to escape his sticky torment. "Kay I love you, gimmie a kiss!" Jenny said, leaning forward to kiss her computer monitor. "R-right back at 'cha!" He laughed nervously. "Common, kiss the screen!" She pouted, unaware of Paul's thick load covering it. Swallowing hard, Jim closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing the screen, a thick glob of warm cum pressing against his lips. Worried Jenny might see it, he quickly licked his lips and swallowed before leaning back into view. "Kay bye!" She shouted before ending the call. Jim didn't think it could get worse, except when he noticed that Paul had been standing near him, nude, watching the entire time. Part Two: The mess grows. "Taste good?" Paul ...
    ... asked with a look of shock and amusement. The situation was made further worse, when he noticed the cum leaking down Jim's leg. "Oh shit, you came too?" Paul guffawed, clapping his hands. His humiliation was at an all time high, yet continued to rise as his dick gave a twitch of excitement. Jim couldn't find the words to response, so he sat quietly, blushing as the situation came down around him. Paul decided to take advantage of the moment, and stepped beside him. "Wanna see me jerk again?" He asked, his soft cock hanging near Jim's face. Jim couldn't believe how fast things had changed, a few hours ago he had made a new friend, and gotten a roommate. Now he was sitting on the couch, cum drooling down his leg with his roommate's cock less then a foot away. "Look It's cool man, I'll keep jerking no matter what, but if you wanna watch you gotta help me out." An evil smile crossed Paul's lips. "It helps me get off if I nut on someone's stuff, and since we're pals now.." Jim looked away from Paul's cock and caught his eyes. "You can use my stuff to cum on." Jim answered, confirming his plan. After that, Paul decided to go to bed early and start fresh tomorrow. Jim was still in shock after everything that happened, and had another hour of cleaning before he could sleep. Cleaning the cum from his laptop's screen was easy, but the keyboard was nearly impossible. By the time he gave up, most of Paul's dried cum remained. Taking a shower helped himself feel better, but no matter what he ...