1. Wartortle and Diglett

    Date: 10/11/2015, Categories: Fantasy Bestiality, Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Fan fiction, Male / Females Oral Sex Threesome Author: deaths_child, Source: sexstories.com

    Traveling on route 11, a busty young girl named Gina was looking for the Diglett’s cave so that she can take a short cut. She had shoulder length brown hair that swished side to side as she looked around looking for the cave. Wearing a cropped top and shorts that showed off her curvy body Gina finally spotted the cave. “Finally” She said running up to the cave. “I almost think it would have been faster to just walk there” She said running into the cave. As she walked along the path Gina noticed the ground would…. Move as she walked along. Then suddenly a small brown creature popped its head out of the ground, turned and looked at her. The Pokémon was Diglett and it moved around by going underground and then it would pop up somewhere else. It was a cute Pokémon and Gina really wanted to catch it. “Alright Diglett you’re mine!” she said and tossed a pokeball in the air “go Wartortle” Wartortle appeared in a flash of red light and he gave a determined grunt as he glared at the Diglett. At her command Wartortle let lose a powerful watergun but Diglett dodged by going underground. Making a frustrated sound Wartortle aimed it’s watergun into the hole, which then cause the Diglett to emerged in another location. “Wartortle use head-butt and at full power!” Gina shouted. Her Pokémon nodded in agreement and ran forward at the waterlogged Diglett and using the momentum to make his head-butt more powerful. He hit the Diglett and sent it flying as it hit a wall and slid to the ground. ...
    ... Gina gave an excited shout and threw a pokeball at the exhausted Pokémon, it wiggled a few times then dinged signaling it was caught. “Awesome! We caught a Diglett” She said and picked up the pokeball holding over her head and Wartortle gave a happy sound. After she caught the Diglett Gina walked the rest of the way through the tunnel and was finally through. Then she walked for a while till the sun went down. Thanks to the tunnel Gina was about a day’s walk from town. She started to set up camp when she found a nice grassy field and released her Pokémon. Wartortle and Diglett were her only Pokémon now and she set out two bowls of Pokémon food. The Pokémon gobbled down the food as Gina ate some berries and dried meat. As they finished eating her Wartortle walked over to Gina and climbed into her lap. She smiled at her Pokémon and petted his head and the sun sank below the surface leaving them washed in the light of the fire. Gina stretched and picked up her Wartortle and then setting him down on the ground as she started to get ready for bed. She changed and laid on top of her sleeping bag wearing only a tank top and panties. Wartortle walked in between Gina’s legs and looked at the girl curiously, they had a very special relationship. She smiled down at her Pokémon and parted her leg exposing her panty clad pussy. Wartortle mad a happy sound and nuzzled his face against her groin, which made Gina gasp. The Pokémon started to lick against her panties teasing the girl. Gina made ...