1. picked up a bar girl and her friend last night, no

    Date: 10/10/2015, Categories: Hardcore Mature Voyeur, Author: billdodge

    ... that did not last that long. But when she got the first one the second and the third was quick to follow. She acted exhausted but recovered to have a massive forth orgasm where she acted like she was possessed. I do not think it was smart, but I did not use a condom on either of the two. I thought the second would not be so willing of she thought her friend had anything. I may have a STD and my dick fall off, but I guess I would risk that to feel the once in a life time pussy the second girl had. We finished showered and talked as the sun came up this morning. I gave her some OJ and some eggs and bacon. I ask if she would be willing to date me in the future. She said no, she had someone. Would not be possible, but she told me it was the best sex of her life. Her husband did not last long enough to make her cum. She liked sex, before last night she enjoyed watching sex more than having it. She did always like oral sex and her friend was good at that like she was sucking a dick. If she were a lesbian she could be happy to be with her friend, but she just liked men. She said in the future when should could get out, she would look me up. We could have sex with out any strings attached. Might not tell her friend, she had a feeling that she and I could date as I had offered her. She was looking for a steady man. Now i have a passed out girl in my bed, a married woman who keep sending her husbands calls to voice mail. I just hope he does not have tracking on her phone. I woke up the friend and she keeps asking for another hour. I tried to have sex with the married girl again, but she tells me I made her pussy sore.