1. M I L part I: You want me to do WHAT to your mothe

    Date: 10/10/2015, Categories: Mature Taboo Author: masterkapt

    ... failure. Kind of makes one think that they line up the available women in church, and the man chooses his wife to be, and asks the reverend if he’s busy right now… Then again, maybe I don’t WANT to know. Me: 5-7, 150, 6”, really average... I did some running in H S, but I was not good enough to get a scholarship to a college. Running got me an “A” in Gym for that year, though. I also wore very heavy glasses. I was considered to be a nerd in school, as I was very into electronics. I did not date much. A few years later, the contact lens industry came out with soft contacts in my prescription strength. I was one of the first to try them out. No more coke-bottle glasses. I looked a lot less like a nerd. Since I am not “beefcake”, or wealthy, I learned how make and keep the woman happy (A previous story posted about the learning curves or shall I say, learning the curves….). Before getting married, I had “sex education 101” from an older woman when I was 19. Give them what they want/need and you would get *it* whenever you wanted *it*. If you please the woman, she will more than please you. They will even ask/beg for *it*. No woman of mine will ever have to ask twice. When we married, I had to give my wife lessons on enjoying sex. None of this “lay there and take it”, 10 minutes and roll over and sl**p, stuff. If it wasn’t meant to be enjoyed, then why did the Lord make it so much fun? It took a while to erase her prudish upbringing. We learned how to please each other. She ...
    ... was an eager “student”, and became good. She even initiated sex here and there. One thing we agreed on when the marriage was young was we did not use sex as a weapon in an argument. If we had a “fight”, we settled it before bed time. No withholding to gain an unfair advantage. About 3 years into our marriage, I received an offer from my company for a position, and to move south to Florida, with quite a bit more money, which I accepted. The money as well as being more had no state income, FICA, SS and unemployment taxes, to that’s an additional 20% more. Way too cool….. A few years later, when they still lived up north, Dad had a heart attack, and stroke. (He was young, about 55 back then) He was motorized wheel chair bound, because the stroke took away the motor skills on one side. This f***ed retirement, but his union pension, savings, and SS disability was sufficient to live on. A year later, they moved to a double wide mobile home, in a 50+ senior park about 40 miles from where we lived to be closer to us and grandk**, not to mention cheaper living expenses. We visited them often. We were all they had, being they moved away from their birth city, friends and church. They did find a local church, but it was not the same. They lived there for 2 years but when dad’s health suddenly got worse, he had to be put in an assisted home, as Mom could not lift him in and out of the chair, bed, etc. We found one near us, so we could help out, and Mom stayed at our house a few days at a ...