1. Dr. Kelly - Breast Milk Exper

    Date: 10/9/2015, Categories: Anal Group Sex Mature Author: lovethembigger

    ... were big under her white shirt. She smiled as she shook my hand with her little hand. "Hi! Doctor! I thought you were going to be a woman Doctor. I'm Shelly. I see you met my step Mom, Anita. Nice to meet you." said Shelly. "Nice to meet you. Yes! I am the Doctor. I know allot about the female anatomy. Especially the breasts. I'm here to help. I am a breast milk expert. I can help in so many ways. How many more weeks before the baby is due?" I said. "Oh! Days not weeks Doctor. I love to have the baby right now. If I could. My step Mom just had her baby 2 weeks go. It was her first. She is having problems just like me. We both want to breast feed our babies. But we are having problems. My breast are so big. It hurts, to touch them." said Shelly. "Ok! How about you Mrs. Smith. What is the problem?" I said She paused and looked at me. "Well! Kinda of the same thing. It's my first. I never took any classes. The nurse at the hospital did not help. I can squirt the milk. But it hurts and sprays every where." she said. "Is your husband helping? What about the baby Daddy?" I said. "My husband is doing 3-5 in county. He got picked up about a week after I found out I was pregnant. It really doesn't matter. If he was here he would not help. Plus he does not know his way around the female body. What I enjoy. I like to call him flash. If you know what I mean. Her baby Daddy left her when she got pregnant. She going to raise him by herself now." said Mrs. Smith. "No boyfriend. Anybody ...
    ... helping?" I said. "No! Just my step Mom." said Shelly. "When the last time you had sex? Both of you." I said. "I'm not sure we had sex to conceive the baby." said Mrs. Smith. "One night! About 9 months ago." said Shelly. "Ok! Do you both use any kinda of toys to stimulate yourself." I said. "Little personal there Doctor." said Mrs. Smith. "Just trying to help. It helps stimulate the breast and your body. Sometime it can induce the baby to be delivered. Plus it just natural to have those feelings." I said. Both girls smiled. "No!" said Mrs. Smith. "No!" said Shelly. "Next I need to exam both of you. Mrs. Smith lets start with you first. Let me take off my white coat." I said. I placed the white coat on the metal chair next to the small table in the kitchen. Mrs. Smith walked over to me. "Should I take off my top?" she said. "Yes! It's Ok Shelly you can stay. You can hold you step Mom two shirts. I love the fishnet." I said with a smile. Mrs Smith smiled. She was now standing only in a pair of small white shorts. Her breast sat high on her chest. She used her big nails on her small hands to hold them up. Each side of her breast ran over her hands dropping down the sides. I brought my big hands down under them to feel them. I started to run my hands all over them. "Does that hurt? No! Good. How about now. Good!" I said. I ran my hands down the sides. Under the bottom again. Over the top. "Next! I will check you nipples. Are they sensitive?" I said. "Yes! Doctor. Your doing a very ...