1. Hunting the hunters Ch 2

    Date: 4/2/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy BDSM Coercion Cruelty Hardcore Humiliation Rape Violence Author: PoliTopSecret

    Dale grabbed the tits of the vampiress tied to the bed under him, tickling her nipples while she was still raging about having been marked. "I will disembowel you, fucking pig!" She yelled, furious. "Yes yes, of course", answered him, fondling her tits. "Looks like you didn't lie about not feeling anything." He noticed, not seeing any hardening in her nipples. "How you dare!" She growled, while he moved down inspecting her pussy "I'm Lady Mary Reddington! I have killed more men than you have ever met! How did you dare to fire brand me like cattle?!" "Trust me, Lady Mary Reddington" he answered, with a laughter. "I didn't even start. With a monster like you, I can do literally anything and still not feel guilty. However, I was wondering if your clitoris was numb like your nipples...". The dampyre started tickling her clit, massaging and caressing (not a simple feat considering how hard she was bucking), but after a couple of minutes nothing changed at all. Suddenly, he raised a hand and spanked her on the pussy: this time, he was satisfied to hear a brief gasp. "Oh, so it is still very sensible to pain, isn't it?" He said, lifting his head to look Mary in the eyes. The vampire didn't answer, staring at him with incredible rage. Without a warning, he grabbed her clit and pinched it hard between his fingers, and he could see her clearly clenching her teeth in pain trying to hide it. Dale burst to laughter, moving back to ride her, pinning her down with his weight and putting ...
    ... his cock between her tits. "I think I will really enjoy this night. I may really keep you around, you know? You have got centuries of murders to pay, after all." She kept staring him with hate while he pushed her tits together and started to fuck her bosom. It felt a little cold, but it was amazing nonetheless: her pale tits were not huge, but they were just large enough to wrap nicely around his shaft. Dale began to pump, his cock sliding between her supple breasts and poking through on the other side, clearly visible to Mary, who kept silent and didn't react to the titfuck. "Not bad." He mumbled, fondling her tits. "Not bad at al-" Suddenly, in the middle of a thrust, the vampire's head snapped toward his cock, fangs bared; Dale reacted quickly, retracting just an instant before her jaws snapped shut on his shaft. "Nice try!" He congratulated, while she gritted her teeth in rage. "I totally did see it coming, but nice try nonetheless. Obviously my penis would grow back eventually, and my blood in your mouth wouldn't be good for you, but that's the right spirit. I cannot, however, allow it to happen again." "You are not man enough to handle me even while I lay spread eagle, tied to a bed. You are so pathetic you need to gag me too." She hissed. "Actually, I've got a way better idea." He said, grabbing a small bag and pull out a set of needles, rings and pliers. "Did you know that I worked in a tattoo studio?" "What-?" she asked, eyes widening with shock and outrage. "Here is ...