1. Well-Planned Bus Ride

    Date: 4/1/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Bi-sexual Blackmail, Blowjob Cheating Cum Swallowing Discipline, Domination/submission Drug, Female Domination, Group Sex Hardcore Humiliation Males / Female, Non-consensual sex Oral Sex Rape Reluctance School Spanking, Teen Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Female Violence Author: MoreOrLess1

    Well guys, I finally found my jump drive with all my old stories in it! Expect to hear from me more often, as I am so sorry to keep you guys waiting. A post of one of my old favorites to start things off. Need to get it over to this profile, as I deem it "finished". I will be working on my other series very soon. Jack was not a violent kid. Hell, he was probably one of the nicest guys in his entire city. Which was exactly why that bitch had some nerve... Amber broke his heart, plain and simple. He had invested time, money, emotions, everything into that girl for years, and she decided to just hop on the next dick she saw? It was completely fucked up. What made it worse, she seemed genuinely hurt that Jack didn't want to be friends with her after the fact. "I'm sorry it ended this way too, but we can still be friends if you want. That's better than nothing, right?" WRONG.... Jack sat at his friend's party, not really partaking in the festivities. He was merely sipping on his drink, doing a good enough job pretending to be merry. There were 6 guys and a girl all sitting around the dinning room table sharing the hookah pipe, chatting back and fourth. They all were laughing at Matt's latest politically incorrect joke while sharing the week's events. Hannah, the sole girl, actually came up with the idea of revenge. It was such a small idea at first, but throughout the night, it would be honed into a great plan, worse than any of them could imagine. "Come on Jack, have a bit of ...
    ... fun," she blatantly stated out of the blue. "You know she deserves some payback, right?" "I'm sure the 7 of us could help you out," his friend Travis quickly added in. "A couple drunk phone calls just doesn't seem like they would cut it." "Hell yeah man!" shouted Reg. "You say the word, we'll teach that bitch some respect!" Jack had admittedly replayed giving her a piece of his mind many times over in his head. But not liking confrontation, he had brushed the thoughts away, not wanting to bring it up and cause drama. "You know, my cousin's got one of those rapist vans. The E-350s with the sliding doors? With the couch style back seat! We could pick her up in that, and ship her cheating ass straight to Mexico!" Matt suggested, only half joking. "That's hella fucked up man..." Travis said sternly, then laughed, adding, "Why let the Mexicans have all the fun?!?" Jimmy piped in with his monotone voice "No lie, man, she was fucking hot as hell. Wouldn't be the end of the world if I got to teach her a lesson..." "Shit guys, whats wrong with you?" Jack said, playing off the situation jokingly. But after much serious debate, (how much had they had to drink?!) they convinced him that they should, indeed, teach her a lesson sexually. "Come on man, she cheated on you, which makes her a whore. Whores just need sexual discipline, that's the only way they learn," persuaded Matt. Finally after a few more minutes of discussion, with even Hannah taking the side of the perverted revenge scheme, ...