1. Poker Night with Sis Part 4

    Date: 3/28/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Incest Lesbian Male / Females Reluctance Romance Author: Mathematician

    For the themes, I want to put "and more". But, I promise, No Male on Male. You fuckers are in luck. I couldn't sleep. I have to go to work in 3 hours, so I hope you're grateful! LoL If you haven't read part 1 and 3 (2 is optional and not recommended for the feint of heart), then you'll likely be lost. This a Brother Sister Taboo story with appropriate over 18 ages. If you like please let me know, and I'll try and write more. Any comments or suggestions for further writing is welcome. Much of what came after part 1 was comment driven. I have no intention what so ever of continuing my story. But, after finishing what may be the final part, I'm glad I did. Thank You. Please Enjoy! ------------------------ She laid there blindfolded, mouth wide open, as soft sweet music poured from her lips via the sound of sexual sighs. My sister licking her succulent pussy as I silently packed my sister's ass with my steel like shaft. If there's one thing I've learned from tonight, it's this. Never fold a pair of queens. We returned to the house, and the dance began. I swear my whole body shook the entire evening. Tremors flew through me as I constantly found myself short of breath, forgetting to simply breath. My sister just didn't understand. What happened that first night with her was the most intense moment of my life, and if there was one woman on this planet with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my waking moments, it was the woman who came to spend the night with us tonight. I'd ...
    ... never thought of my cousin like this before. Instead of checking out my sisters delicious legs in those scintillating stockings, or that sweet ass I was determined to stuff full of my cock tonight. I found myself stealing glances at my conservatively dressed cousin. Imagining her legs beneath that long skirt. Imagining the bounce of her small breasts beneath her blouse as she breathed. "Holy crap John." I took in a deep breath as my sister startled me. She giggled quietly, "You were turning blue. Freaking relax bubba." She came close to my ear again, but I turned to face her quickly and took her tongue into my mouth. She clung to me like never before. I believe in retrospect that she wasn't only as nervous as I was, but jealous as well. At the time I took it as a sign of horniness. "Careful sister, Sarah is just around the corner you know." I saw something in her eyes at that moment. It reminded me of the moment I first took the blindfold from her eyes after the first game. She was drunk on something different this time though, and the fire in my chest made me believe I felt the same. She leaned over and said, "Breath." I laughed breathlessly. Crap, this was going to kill me. I didn't just hear, but I could feel the foot steps of our cousin crossing the living room and rounding the corner. My senses were on high alert. "Are the precious babies in bed now?" My sister smiled at Sarah, "They're hardly babies anymore." "Oh, they'll always be babies to me." My cousin refuted as they ...