my two wives part 2
Date: 3/27/2017,
True Story
Males / Female,
Author: misterjedi
MY TWO WIVES PART II I am not the author of this story. Chapter 1 After my divorce from Carol I took a break from women for a while, and concentrated on my job. I kept the job that Carol had earned for me, and returned back home to the company’s depot in Scotland. That's where i met Jill, while out on a blind date that was arranged by one of the data clerks working in my office. I had fancied her straight away. By this time I was 27 and Jill was just 21. She was a real stunner, small – petite even – very shy and just over 5 feet tall with long dark brown hair and a fabulous figure, just right for her height. She was a schoolteacher at a local elementary school and I had always wanted to fuck a schoolteacher ever since I caught a glimpse of my form teacher. Miss Temples blue lace panties when I was 14 years old. Maybe this was my chance. We met regularly after that first meeting, going to theaters, parties together, meeting friends and socializing generally. The nearest I got to any form of a fuck though was the occasional feel of her breasts – through her clothes - in the darkness of a theater or in her house doorway when I took her home. She still lived with her parents and they were very old fashioned when it came to boyfriends, even though Jill was 21. She had always to be home by midnight and we were never left alone together – her parents always managed to ensure that one of them was in the room with us at all times! My chance came when a friend of mine, David, and his ...
... wife Karen, asked if I would baby-sit for them on Saturday night while they attended his brother’s birthday party. Of course I agreed so long as they didn’t mind if Jill kept me company. No problem at all, in fact David gave me a wry smile, I think he guessed what I had in mind. On Saturday we told Jill’s parents that we were going to the theater with some friends, if they had known where we were really going, and that we would be on our own, one of them might have insisted on coming with us. Yes, they really were that bad! We arrived at David and Karen’s house at 7:30 armed with a couple of harmless movies on video, which I hoped we wouldn’t have time to watch. I had other plans. After explaining where the food and alcohol were kept David and Karen departed for the party – they expected to be back at around 1:00 am. The first part of my plan was for us to have a drink, not too much though – I didn’t want to fuck a drunk girl, but just enough to remove most, if not all, of Jill’s inhibitions. We had 3 small scotch and Canada Dry over the next hour or so, our favorite tipple – or at least that is what Jill thought we had. In fact I had 1 small one and 2 straight Canada Dry while Jill had 2 small ones and 1 larger one. Time to fuck the schoolteacher! I had Jill’s clothes off in no time and had her laid across the couch. What a body she had, I had forgotten Miss Temples blue lace panties, now I was about to fuck my very own schoolteacher. A good fingering first to get her nicely ...