1. Two Boys and their Dad (Part 2)

    Date: 10/8/2015, Categories: Fiction Boy / Boy, First Time Gay Incest Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Author: kaneporter

    Hello! Thanks to everyone who has been reading, I hope you're enjoying it so far. I know I promised a sex scene in the last part but I felt like I wanted to spend some time developing Jake's relationship with his dad here. I hope you'll forgive me, but I think it was worth it. The first sex scene will definitely happen in the next part, which will be uploaded very soon. Thanks again guys :) _____________________________________________ Jake had one eye on his coursework and another on the little clock in the corner of his screen. He wasn’t nervous this time, but intrigued. The sweat that clung to his body an hour ago was all but gone, apart from the damp patches left on his shirt and a peculiar and unpleasant moistness in his formally white ankle socks, which had gone a bit transparent around the toes. “Gross” he muttered, as he pulled the limp cotton from his feet, throwing the socks aside. He decided it would be a good idea to have a little wash and change his shirt before his dad got home, so he headed off to the bathroom. Before he could open the bathroom door himself, it flew open dramatically and Cody walked out. He held a towel loosely around his waist and smirked as he passed his older brother in the corridor. “God damn” thought Jake. Cody looked like a model from one of those cringe-worthy cologne adverts. Droplets of water slowly descended his perfectly formed body, reflecting light from every shape and line. His skin looked soft and supple as it was still hot ...
    ... from the undoubtedly scorching shower Cody would have just subjected it to. It took everything Jake had not to just grab Cody’s towel off him, throw him against the wall and grind against his beautiful body. “Boundaries, Jake” he mentally affirmed. Jake watched as his younger brother walked to his own room before heading into the bathroom. He took his sweaty shirt off and threw it in the washing basket. He turned the tap, the cold water reacting against the hot steam in the room. He splashed some cold water on his face, chest and underarms, feeling instantly refreshed. He took a moment to look at himself in the mirror. He was similar to his little brother in a lot of ways, but there were some noteworthy differences. Jake had never been into athletics, his sports tended to be more combative in nature. His chest was well formed and defined, as were his arms. He didn’t have a visible six-pack, but his abdomen was hard and strong. His skin was slightly darker than his brother’s, he took after his dad in that way. He also have a fine trail of hair from his waist to his bellybutton, whereas Cody was completely smooth. He looked deep into his own blue eyes for a moment, then went back to his bedroom. Just as Jake grabbed a fresh t-shirt from his drawer and started to pull it over his head, he heard a key scratching around the lock on the front door. “Daddy’s home” Cody called from his own room with a smug knowing in his voice. Jake headed downstairs to greet his father. Mike was an ...