1. Accidental Ch. 1

    Date: 3/23/2017, Categories: True Story Boy / Boy, Gay Non-Erotic, Teen Male / Teen Male, Author: MystikalZylen

    ... still Logan, I replied. Me: Yeah, so fuck off. ?: haha, dude. calm down. it's Nathan. The picture that was sent was now a selfie of Nathan. I chose not to reply since I knew they were obviously fucking with me. I was somehow blind to their friendship, because I didn't think they were good friends. The day went on and I was laying in bed that night looking at.. stuff.. when I received a text from Nathan. Yeah, of course I saved his number. Why wouldn't I? Nathan: what's up? Now I was sure it was Nathan, unless he was still at Logan's this late at night, which I deemed unlikely. I hesitantly texted back. Me: Nothing much. You? He replied soon after and we fell into a steady conversation. Nathan: same. what are you doin? Me: Laying in bed. I was about to go to sleep. Nathan: Hm, you liar. xP I doubt any guy would be trying to sleep right now. I blushed as I replied. Me: Well, I'm not lying. Yeah. I was lying. Nathan: yeah ok. I toootally believe you Me: yeah, you better. It'd be the best thing to do, since you're dealing with me. O.O Nathan: You aren't capable of threatening anyone XD no one would take you seriously Me: i am sooo capable of threatening someone. Nathan: Oookay I chose not to reply because I hate one word responses, so I resumed looking at what I was before I was disturbed. Only now, I was disturbed once more. Nathan: You sleepy? Me: Yeah I lied again. So what? Nathan: Will this wake you up? _____________________________________________________ So, like I said, no sexual content. And I'm sorry for not working on Tease but I just lost inspiration for it. Not that many people read it anyway lol. So, CLIFFHANGER! What did you guys think, and what do you think Nathan is gonna do?