1. The Legacy, Chapter 1: Three Oaks

    Date: 3/17/2017, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100

    ... at Hartsfield International Airport directly in order to save many hours of travel back and forth by car. He had found a lightly used Cessna 182 Skylane, and they had stretched their budget to purchase it, at a cost of over four hundred thousand dollars; no longer having a house payment after selling their home near Chicago was the only thing that had made it possible. He’d had some acreage leveled and landformed, and then packed and sodded to provide a landing strip, and, with Henry and his youngest son providing help and expertise, the three of them had built a wide, shallow lean-to style hangar in the same timber and log style as the old farmhouse. Beth smiled as she recalled how proud her husband had been of that hangar, and that he’d actually had a hand in its construction; it was almost as if he’d taken more pride in the hangar he’d helped build than in the plane itself! They paid Henry to help maintain the grounds and runway in her husband’s absence, but he would only accept a fraction of what the work was worth, claiming he needed something to do in his retirement years. As they neared her home he lifted his arm off her shoulders. “I’m going to run home and clean up a bit, and get Beau and Sadie into the stable before the storm hits; I should be back in fifteen or twenty minutes.” She smiled at him. “That’s fine, Henry; I could use a bit of a clean-up myself.” “Miss Elizabeth, you look beautiful. You always look beautiful.” “Thank you, Henry! I feel a bit sweaty ...
    ... though, so at least a quick washcloth is in order. Don’t hurry, I’ll wait.” He turned and started away, and as he did she watched his broad back, still straight and strong, his legs and behind solid and muscular. He suddenly turned back toward her. “Are we going to ride tomorrow? Those two could use a little exercise.” “That would be lovely! We haven’t gone riding in quite some time. Down along the creek and across the bottoms, maybe?” “Wherever you like, my young friend; you call it! I’ll be back soon.” With a wave over his shoulder, he walked away. Inside, she poured herself a couple fingers of Makers Mark over an ice cube and carried it to her bedroom; it wasn’t a typically feminine drink, but she’d learned to appreciate it. She stripped naked and walked into her master bath. They’d had much of the old home extensively remodeled in the years after they’d moved in, giving special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms; her master bath was perhaps her favorite room in the home, a haven of peace and creature comforts. She washed her face before taking a soapy washcloth to her body, freshening herself from ankles to throat, paying special attention to the moist, humid areas such as her armpits and her sex. Afterwards, after she’d dried herself and applied a lightly scented powder, she felt a thousand percent better. She looked at herself in the mirror; her own worst critic, but even she had to admit that she still looked awfully good at the age of thirty, trim and fit, her stomach ...