Full i****t service
Date: 10/6/2015,
Author: bossinmotion
... little tousled while his beautiful, chocolate brown eyes beheld us. I suspected that some of his ancestral roots must have been from the Middle East, and it looked very good on him. With his black jeans, untucked, half unbuttoned gray shirt and muscular lean build, he was the very definition of 'tall, dark n handsome' and made the guys on the covers of Mom's trash novels look like idiotic girly men and wannabes by comparison. I was actually proud of Mom for having his attention the way she obviously did, even over me, and it was clear that he had hers as he walked up to us with a confident swagger, wiping his hands on a rag and showing us a warm, winning smile. "Hi, Vanessa," he greeted, checking out her bust line afterward. "Hello," she returned with a goofy smile, adding, "This is my daughter, Darin. Darin, this is Gigi." He stuck out his hand, checked me out and nodded once, saying, "Hey, Darin." "Hi," I replied, shaking his hand with a smile that probably wasn't much less goofy than hers. As the guy who'd been working underneath the car approached, Gigi nodded to him, saying, "Vanessa, Darin, this is Dick." Smiling at Dick this time, I offered my hand to him and he took it, checking me out more blatantly than Gigi did, but looking me in the eyes when he greeted me with, "Nice to meet ya, Darin. You too, Vanessa." The pleasure's all mine," she replied, taking his hand and shaking it as I had while his eyes roamed over her body. This was incredible, and the reason she ...
... didn't want me along became yet clearer, that being that she didn't want me to know about how she enjoyed being the object of their attention. At age forty-two, I suddenly wondered if she wasn't approaching that time in a woman's life when certain things, such as her sex drive, began to change. Dick's attention was back on me as Dave began pulling the large door back down via a chain that hung at the doorframe. He was handsome enough with fair hair, blue eyes and a body that was hidden by the dirty pair of dark green coveralls he wore. Again, he looked us in the eyes when he spoke, gesturing to the office as he did. "Have you two met my wife, Carrie?" "A few minutes ago when I arrived, yes," Mom answered. I looked to my right and around her, for the first time seeing two women in the office/waiting area who looked about the same age as the guys, each sitting in one of those adjustable desk chairs. One, an attractive blonde with tattoos from the wrist, all the way up to the shoulder of her left arm, appeared to be watching something, presumably on a computer monitor behind a service counter that faced the outside door. The other, an even more attractive dark skinned brunette, was looking directly at me. Her feet up on the counter, ankles crossed, she slouched beside the blonde and nodded at me with a smile as Dick had, but hers was different. All I could do was smile back with the same nod before looking back to Dick. "She'd be the tattooed lady," he told me with a smile, adding, ...