Full i****t service
Date: 10/6/2015,
Author: bossinmotion
... unguarded admiration and apprehension. For his part, he smiled as well, his brown eyes blatantly checking me out as I sat, so small beside him. He didn't leer like a pervert, but confidently, thoroughly appraised me without fear of my reaction to it. I could tell he liked what he saw and it had the surprising effect of turning me on a little. I had to stifle a nervous giggle as he stuck his hand out to introduce himself. "I'm Dave," he stated in a strong, but friendly enough voice. Giving him my hand, which was completely engulfed his strong, firm grip, I replied, "Darin." "Hey, Darin," he said, checking out my boobs again before adding, "Cool name for a girl." "Thank you", was all I could say to this. "So, your mother's car is acting up, eh?" he asked, shutting the door. "Yeah, it's, (ahem) ... acting up," I stupidly confirmed. Ignoring my nervous idiocy, he put the car gear in and then began moving us forward, saying, "Well, we'll see what we can do before she decides to burn it." I'd been so preoccupied with him that I never even looked beyond the opened door to the garage's interior. As the car's front, then rear wheels bumped over the threshold and inside, the engine becoming louder within the surrounding metal walls, I looked around, suddenly and acutely aware of my heart having increased its pace and f***e to where I could feel it beating in my chest. Mom took me to her work at the Audi dealership once after school and on our way home. She was getting her schedule ...
... and, while I waited, I saw inside their service center. It was big, clean and professional looking with all the mechanics wearing the same smart uniforms, working on brand new, shiny Audis. In the outer waiting area, soft muzac played while salesmen strolled around with their gleaming teeth and pressed shirts and ties, smiling and trying to impress potential customers, Mom and the other receptionist. Big, bright Audi signs graced the walls, boasting of professional service, factory roadside assistance and the Le Mans Victory Sales Event. This place wasn't like that. Spanning the entire back wall was a long, wide workbench, covered with tools and greasy black car parts with two big red toolboxes standing at the right end of it. Towards the back of the right wall was a closed door that led to what must have been a small compartment, maybe a bathroom. A set of wooden stairs beside the door led to a chicken wired enclosure above that held tires and some other items, presumably spare car parts. Opposite this, lining the left wall, were several tall, wide, blue metal cabinets that ran more than halfway to the front of the garage. Beside them and to our immediate left, two big floor jacks were stored against the wall with some other unidentifiable equipment. To my right, a large window allowed a view to a moderately sized office/waiting area with a door beside the window to gain entry. In the right rear corner, a bright, orangey red car was nosed, the wide tired rear end jacked a few ...