Full i****t service
Date: 10/6/2015,
Author: bossinmotion
... them go out of business! God damned, rotten, useless, good for nothing boneheads! Should have listened to your uncle Stanley and bought that used BMW, but no, I had to have this brand new, shiny red piece of shit!" "Mom?" "What, Darin?! What?!" "Whatever this Dave guy looks like, you should totally go out with him because you really need to get laid." I thought she was going to hit me. I mean, I really thought she was going to punch me right in my pretty little face. After totally flipping out and threatening dire consequences if I said another word between there and the mall, I wisely kept my mouth shut until we rolled up to The Pen Centre's main entrance. By that time, however, I was no longer really interested in the mall. No, I wanted to see what was up with my tightly wound mother and this 'appointment' of hers, so I decided to worm my little way into her business. "They're not here," I said with a frown, scanning the entrance for Kendra and Tiffany, this being no surprise to me as I was supposed to meet them inside at New York Fries. "They're probably inside," she correctly ventured, that heavier stress beginning to creep back into her tone. "No," I refuted, "we were supposed to meet up right here, but..." "Darin, I can't wait, it's almost ten to eight and I have to-" "Well, they're not here, what am I supposed to do?" I almost whined at her. "They're probably running a little late; just wait for them and they'll be along," she impatiently advised. "But, what if they ...
... don't show up? I can't hang out by myself! Like a loser!" "Oh my god!" she grated in pure frustration, rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand. "Call them, or text them, or whatever the hell because I have to go before the god damned car stalls again, this time maybe for good!" I opened my little clutch to grab my phone, turning the ring volume off as I pretended to briefly rifle through its other contents. "Oh no!" I lamented. "Now what?" "I forgot my phone!" She stared at me as though I'd just told her that I was pregnant with Uncle Stanley's baby. "What?!" she asked incredulously. "Look again!" I held up the little black clutch, emphasizing its limited confines while I emphatically determined, "It's not here, Mom!" "Darin, for chrissakes, they'll be along! Now, get out of the car so I can-" "No! You don't know that! I'm not gonna sit around waiting like an idiot, without even my cellphone when they might not even-" "I can't take you with me, would you please just get out so I can go?!" "Why?!" I demanded, actually wanting to know why she couldn't take me along to what was supposed to be just an appointment at a garage. "Anyway, this is all your fault! If you weren't bugging me to hurry before we left, I wouldn't have forgotten-! She stomped the gas pedal to the floor, slamming me into the seatback. I wouldn't have thought her car had enough power to screech the tires, but I guess I was wrong. "Hey! Mom, what the hell are you-?!" "Shut up, Darin!" she shouted at me, ...