Full i****t service
Date: 10/6/2015,
Author: bossinmotion
... receptionist." At the moment, my mother was standing by her car, speaking to both Gigi and Dick with a big smile and some colour in her cheeks. Wiping her hands on a rag, one couldn't help but notice how she hadn't bothered to pull the back of her skirt down again. I briefly wondered how she'd feel about my moving out to go live with my new lesbian lover. "Oh my fuck," Carrie chuckled. I looked to see her regarding my midsection. Looking myself, I found the rolled top of my capris had rolled down even further. They were now low enough to show the very top of my thong. "Oh..." I commented, giggling afterward. She tried to roll them up again, but the stubborn material only rolled back down the second she let it go. "Sorry," she offered with a smile that clearly said she really wasn't. "I guess we ruined your leggings." "Dawn will love it, though," I noted, getting horny again at the thought of that. "No question," she agreed with a devilish grin. "Let's go on out and show the guys." "But, shouldn't we wait for Dawn?" I asked. "Nah, we'll meet her out there." "But- but what about my mom?" I fretted, looking down at myself again. "I don't think she's in any position to judge, Darin." Looking out the window, I saw she was right. Being turned towards us at that point, I could see how the front of her skirt had risen some distance with the back, but Gigi was hiking it further while she watched with that excited/desperate smile. Dick was wiping his hands with a hungry leer as he ...
... watched the front of Mom's panties come into view, though the front panel, unlike the back, consisted of a solid white material like the crotch. Dave, also wiping his hands, was coming around the front of the car, saying something with a grin that matched that of the other two men. Mom looked back at him and laughed, colour in her cheeks now as she glanced at the window I knew she could no longer see through. Her expression was again one of concern, but of a different kind and mixed with that excited, tolerant smile. Anyone could tell she was enjoying the attention in spite of her sensibilities and I couldn't blame her one little bit. "Come on, let's show them your new look," she urged, taking my hand and leading me to the door. We walked out to the floor at the same time Dawn was approaching from the back of the shop. She gave me a warm and hungry smile that spoke of the same excitement over me that I was feeling about her. But it was Mom's expression that really held my attention. Looking me up and down, her jaw had sagged a little once again, her eyes conveying something I couldn't quite identify. With no circumstantially appropriate greeting, I could only smile nervously and stupidly say, "Hi, Mom." She shook her head slightly, looking me up and down again and, when she replied, I could then identify the expression in her eyes. It was regret, though still with the slightest smile of tolerance, this time for me instead of the actions of the three men standing around her. ...