Full i****t service
Date: 10/6/2015,
Author: bossinmotion
... inclusive smile as the blonde girl was being pulled down to a bed with a small moan, her panties being pulled off to leave her completely naked. "So, Is your mother gonna take the job?" Dawn asked. I only blinked at her, wondering what she meant. "Oops," she replied to this, looking at Carrie with a little discomfort in her eyes. "Uhh... job?" I asked. "Yeaaah...," Carrie began to carefully explain. "Uh, I take it she didn't tell you?" I shook my head, looking from one to the other, wondering what this was all about and what was going on. "Oh, crap," Dawn expressed with an apologetic expression. "What job?" I asked, actually feeling a bit more relaxed, as Dawn had promised, and somehow odd at the same time. "Darin, I'm really sorry," she sincerely expressed while squeezing my side a little, but I naturally figured that, since she brought you along tonight, she'd have told you..." "Told me what?" "Well... I've obviously said too much already, and it's none of my business to be telling you-" "Too late for that now," Carrie determined while handing her the joint. "Christ almighty, Dawn, if you'd let a cock in your mouth every once in a while, maybe you wouldn't always be getting your foot caught in it." "Shut up, Carrie," Dawn softly shot back, obviously upset that she'd let some cat out of its bag. "Dave told us earlier on," Carrie began to explain, "that your Mom showed up here last week to have her car fixed, and that's when she found out he's been looking for a ...
... receptionist. She told him she'd have to think about it, so he gave her a week." "Yeah, but she already has a job," I refuted. "She works at the Audi dealership." "Well, he told us that she said she'd been laid off almost two months ago," she explained apologetically as Dawn passed the joint to me. "Something about them contracting some call center in New Brunswick to schedule their service appointments, or whatever." "Oh my god..." I said, more to myself, but while looking at Carrie. "But, why didn't she tell me?" "Probably didn't want to worry you," she offered. "Please don't say anything?" Dawn asked. I already feel awful enough, and I'd hate to... you know..." "Yeah," Carrie agreed as I whooshed the joint like they did. "Plus, Dave would be pissed off at us if she refused the job because of this. He's really hoping she'll take it 'cause she has experience and actually knows stuff about cars. Also, she's got obvious class and she... well, she's smokin' hot, and that, along with her knowledge, class and experience, is something that would make the shop look good." "But... why wouldn't she just take the job, then?" I asked. "Why would she have to take a week to think about it?" "Weeell..." Dawn hinted with a careful smile as I passed the joint, "As you may have noticed, this isn't exactly the Audi dealership..." I only nodded, remembering her b*****r's comment and my own observations regarding that when I'd first arrived and had seen the posters. And many things became clear just then. ...