1. MILF Teacher: Becoming a Present

    Date: 3/5/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Domination/submission Female / Girl, Interracial, Lesbian Teen Written by women Author: jasmine walker, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Suddenly I was being flooded with sticky juice. Her juice was sweet and I suddenly couldn’t get enough of it. I eagerly lapped up her juice, attempting to get more of her nectar. Disappointingly, Latoya moved up and I reflexively moved up and attempted to continue to lap her juices. She chuckled, “I taste amazing, don’t I?” Suddenly realizing what I was doing, I froze. She smiled. “You want more of my cunt juice, don’t you?” Pretending to be repulsed, I lied, “No.” “Liar,” she laughed, getting dressed. She reached into her purse and demanded, “Say cheese, Miss Malone.” I quickly covered my face with my hands. She raised her voice like a teacher would do when scolding a student, “Don’t you ever cover yourself in front of me again, slut.” I slowly moved my hands away, keeping my head down, “Please don’t take my picture like this.” She chuckled, “Slut, I will be taking many pictures of you. This first one is a great shot of you after your first pussy pleasing experience. Now look up.” I obeyed reluctantly and she snapped a picture. “Slut, you look so sad.” She shrugged, adding, “Oh well, over time I think you will learn to love pleasuring me.” Putting her panties back on, she suggested, “You may want to go wash up, Ms. Malone, you look kinda slutty, plus you are going to be late.” I began to go to the bathroom when she said, “By the way, don’t you dare touch yourself until I see you again, understood?” I nodded by head yes, defeated and longing to come. “Good,” she smiled, ...
    ... walking over to me. She put her hand back to my vagina and began to pump my already wet vagina. I instantly began moaning as she explained, “You are such a slut, Ms. Malone, allowing your student to finger-fuck you in your own home.” I was so ashamed, but her finger inside me was the only thing that mattered at this moment. “Do you want to come?” she asked. “So bad,” I moaned, the orgasm beginning to build a second time. “Well, you can’t,” she said, pulling her finger out of me. She sucked her finger that had just been in me and added, “Hmmm, not bad for an old cunt.” She walked out of my room, leaving me wet and horny. I quickly went to the bathroom to wash up. I heard my front door close and I let out a sigh of relief. I looked in the mirror. My make-up was a mess. I washed up and also washed my vagina clean, the cold water submerging my wanton desires. Finally looking respectable, I rushed out of the house and to the school arriving twenty minutes late. Ironically, nobody noticed I was late. Everything was normal until my daughter saw me and asked, “So how was your quality time with the butch?” I instantly went red, as I stammered, “It-it-it was fine and don’t be so rude.” She shrugged and disappeared back onto the dance floor. It was almost midnight when I heard the voice I prayed I wouldn’t hear tonight, “Hi, Ms. Malone.” I turned around. She was alone with the smuggest smile possible on her face. She leaned in close enough so no one else could hear and ordered, “Be in your ...