SBBW Farmer & The Milk Man in France
Date: 10/5/2015, Categories: BDSM Fetish, Mature Author: lovethembigger
It had been a long night and all I wanted was to find a place to eat and get off the road. I had been driving for most of the day across France heading to England. I had business in London and need to get there in a day and half. I did not leave myself much time but I had clients who were waiting on a proposal and I needed to sign some papers to make it official. It was raining and fog had set in. I was in the mountains and the roads had become dangerous. I need to find a hotel and something to eat before it got to late. It was nearly midnight when I finally found a Pub near a dirt road, I had taken by mistake. It was only a few miles from the highway and I knew I could get back in the morning. I got out my Porsche and opened the door to the Pub. The Le French Milk Pub & Inn was a small but rustic Pub with 2 rooms and a small Pub with some French beer on tap. I sat down in a corner booth away from the bar and the bartender came over and gave me a pint. The beer was warm and the old man brought me some roast beef and potatoes about 20 minutes later. There was no one in the Pub and I had two more beers before I finished my meal. About an hour later I looked outside from a window over my shoulder and notice the rain was coming down harder. I could barely see my car in the driveway. I did however see a man run by the front of the pub and come in the side door. The man quickly took seat at the bar. He had a shot of whiskey and 2 beers before he took of his coat and put it on the ...
... back of his chair. He looked my direction and raised his beer towards me and smiled. The bartender came over and took my dishes and I asked him to buy the man at the bar a beer on me. The man at the bar drank his beer. He got up and came over to my table.. "Do you mind if I sit down." said the man. "No, please sit down. Looks like you have had a long night." I said. "American?" He said. I nodded yes and then sipped my beer. "I am French and I have been stuck in this town for some time. What day is it." He said. "Novemebr 30." I said. "My god I have been here for 3 months. I am a sales man for a big dairy farm near Paris and came here to meet a farmer who was selling milk. I have been here since the end of August and have not been able to leave. Can you keep a secret?" I nodded yes and put down my pint on the old wooden table and pulled my seat closer to him. "First my name is Fred and the story I am about to tell is not for the faint of heart. It happen to me and I am afraid I may never be able to leave this town or the farmer who I came to see a few months ago." said Fred. I took off my glasses and wiped them and took another sip of my beer. "I got a call from a women who lived on a farm and she had come up with a new brand of milk that she needed me to produce and sell for her. She told me to come alone and as quick as possible to help her. I did not tell my f****y were I was going and got in my sports car and drove 12 hours to see her. It was raining that night just like ...