Bar man and the Chef
Date: 2/12/2017,
True Story
Author: Slipknot21
My name is Steve, i work as a barman in a hotel, in a small town in England. I'm 24 years old, i wouldn't say i was bad looking, i'm 6 ft and of average build with a bit of muscle. the people i work with are lovely, but there was always something about one of the staff, a chef called Becky. i had just come back from forced leave due to depression from a relationship that went horribly south. Becky was a new member of staff that started while i was away, and when i first saw her, i admit i liked her, she is an attractive, 5 ft 5, brown haired woman, 21 years old with a very pretty face, curvaceous hips, round firm bottom, with medium sized breasts. the description may say different, but at this point i wasn't attracted to her, she was just another employee, and the only reason she was stood at the bar after work, was because she was meant to be on a date, but had been stood up. ME: "You okay hunny"? BECKY: "Not really, but you know. I was meant to be on a date, nice lad i met around town, turns out he isn't that interested, suppose i'm in the right place to forget him" She laughs, a mixture of disbelief and annoyance. "Double vodka and coke please" ME: "sure thing" i shoot her a smile, and get her the drink. Being a bar man i'm used to listening to stories i don't care about, it just passes the time till i go home. We talk the night away, its not a busy night, so i can afford to talk all night. yet the more we talk, the more i grow to like this girl. after my shift ends i ...
... join her for a drink, and we laugh the night away. we become friends instantly, i feel a spark, but i ignore it, i just enjoy my night. Over the months, me and Becky become amazing friends, we are inseparable, people joke we are lovers, joint at the hip, others say we are like brother and sister. one night while drinking, we talk about relationships, i learn how she was once pregnant but lost the baby due to stress caused by the father, and i tell her about how my last relationship, a childhood sweetheart, had cheated on me, and left me for a lad she met at a club, how she threw away mine and her 5 year relationship, for a quickie in a toilet. BECKY: " so are you ready to date again"? ME: "I don't know, honestly i have no clue, but i'd say no" the truth was, i wanted Becky, i just never told her. whenever someone referred to us as a couple, the look on her face would always quickly go to disgust, and she would say, "Er no, he is like my brother". BECKY: "Fair enough, Oh yeah! i almost forgot, the staff party, are you going"? ME: "Yeah i am, i'll pop out for a couple, you bringing anyone"? BECKY: "Yeah I'm bringing my mates James, Sarah, and this lad I've been seeing" Becky is always seeing a new lad, every so many weeks a new one is on the go, she says its just for fun, but i think there is something else to it. I'm not usually one for night outs, if you work on a bar, they can lose there appeal, but i wouldn't miss a staff party, i knew it would be a great laugh, me and Becky ...