Writings of the Devils Messenger: Welcome Home
Date: 2/11/2017,
Written by women
Author: RobinGoodfellowPuck
I have been extremely busy here as of late so I haven't been able to write much. I am currently working on the next installment of "The Goth" and three other series that I think you will enjoy. However I have been given some stories from a friend of mine that wants to know what you think. Here is the first one. Welcome Home. She waits, standing on the balcony looking out at the view of the mountains in which she lives, the negligee she wore, thin almost sheer white silk, open on both sides, held together by beaded strands that left her sides and legs completely bare even the sides of her full breasts exposed, the same beading being the only thing keeping it on her body over her shoulders, fluttered in the light breeze coming from the lake below. She knows he is coming, he always comes. He is hers now, as she is his. The anticipation is killing her, driving her up the wall for him to come home. She hears the front door open and her heart stops for a moment in her chest just as her breathing stills, it could be him or one of her brothers, they had free reign of their home as well. She couldn't see them since her view was at the back of the home. Listening she hears his all to familiar foot steps, the calm slow movement and her heart begins to race in her chest. Ever closer they come, up the steps to their bedroom which encompasses the entire top floor, across the hardwood floor until they step out onto the balcony. She never turns, she doesn't have to, the breeze brings the ...
... smell of his cologne to her and she breaths it in deeply. There he is he is behind her now, she can feel the heat of his body even without him touching her, it soothes her as much as it thrills her on so many levels. A tremor runs through her as he leans in, whispering in her ear, still not letting his body touch hers, "Has my Baby Girl missed me today?", his hot breath brushing across her ear, teasing her with the touch she knows will come soon. He loves to make her wait for the inevitable, to let her anticipation grow as she waits for his touch. She is breathless when she answers, "Yes, I always miss you when you are away." She can feel his smile as if she saw it with her eyes, she knows him so well, feel it in her heart making it soar and race even more. Ahhh he still teases her, reaching up to brush her hair back over her shoulder so that her neck is exposed to him, but never letting his finger tips touch her heated flesh. Oh yes her body was heating up, she could feel her desire and need, the moisture forming at the apex of her thighs, knowing that if he touched her sex or even looked he would be able to see her glistening excitment on her petals, so strong was her need and desire for him that just his mere presence affected her. With his height compared to her that when he leaned in to place that first kiss on her neck he still did not have to touch her as he could just bow away from her to keep from touching. She gasps out when his lips land on her neck, searing her as if ...