1. Giving a MILF a Ride Home

    Date: 2/10/2017, Categories: True Story Author: sexlifesl

    ... looking up at her and said, “Your name must be Cinderella.” I stood back up and settled back onto my stool. “Thank you, I could have gotten it.” She says. “I know, but believe me it was my pleasure.” I replied. “Well, Cinderella, I know these are not your evil stepsisters. So can I buy a round of drinks for us?” They all laughed and exchanged glances and agreed to another drink. The band started back up, I leaned back against the wall, and watched as they talked and sipped at their fresh drinks. I could see Cinderella kept glancing over my way. Soon she pushed her stool back drawing my attention and I noticed her shoe on the floor again. She looked over at me and kind of gave me an oops look. “Your Prince, at your service” I quipped. I got down under the table again took her foot in my hand and started to slide the shoe on and it seemed she was purposely trying not to let the shoe on. I then noticed she was sliding the hem of her skirt up with one hand and her legs parted ever so slightly. I was so surprised to see in the shadows of her skirt and table that her nylons were held up by a garter belt and no panties. She must have realized I had seen, her foot slid quickly into her shoe and she straightened her skirt. I stood up regained my stool. She looked over smiled and took a deep breath. Leaning across the table she said something and one of her friends got up and the two of them made their way through the crowd headed, it appeared, to the ladies room. “Hi I’m Colleen, ...
    ... they’ll be right back.” I nodded in acknowledgment then noticed the empty stool next to me. There was a small wet streak in the center. When Colleen was looking away I reached over and ran my fingers through the spot and then very cautiously brought my fingers up to my nose. Oh yes, it was pussy. It was so very slight but definitely pussy. When they returned Cinderella seemed flushed and excited. I asked if she would like to dance. “No thank you, I don’t dance when its this crowded.” She replied placing her hand on my thigh. Her friends stood and said it was time for them to be going. “Aww, no, not yet. It’s still early.” Cinderella protested and looked at me. What could I do? “If you want to stay I could drive you home.” “You don’t know where I live.” She said to me while looking at her friends. “No, but you do.” Her friends laughed and she asked them if they would mind and of course they didn’t. They hugged and kissed good-bye; they would all see each other tomorrow. Her friends were no sooner out the door when she looked at me and asked if I wanted to go. “If you’re ready I sure am.” Cinderella spins around in her seat her skirt opening up and showing me without question that there are no panties and only a little strip of hair just above her slit. She swings around and stands, her skirt covering her up. She puts on her coat and starts for the door not even waiting for me. I grab my jacket and follow watching her move like a cat through the crowd to the door. Once outside the ...