Sharing my boyfriend at the cinema and turning the icecream lady into a public fuck toy
Date: 2/4/2017,
True Story
Cum Swallowing
Male / Females
Water Sports/Pissing,
Written by women
Author: AnnaSiciliana
I don't go to the cinema much, but for some reason my co-workers had given me a voucher for the local cineplex for my last birthday, so eventually me and my boyfriend Triss made it there to a screening. The movie was Lasse Braun's Nymphomaniac, which I thought we both would enjoy. It was the last show on a week night, so the cinema was practically deserted. We took our seats towards the back, behind the other dozen-or-so couples. I was wearing a wide white dress with spaghetti halters while Triss had on a black pants and white shirt, his sleeves folded up as it was still warm and summery. He looked good in a white shirt and black pants, and while the stupid ads were rolling, I placed my hand gently on his crotch, rubbing the bulge in his pants. He leaned in and whispered: "What the fuck are you doing?" when I just quietly unzipped his pants and reached inside, trying carefully to pull out at least half of his proud, hard dick. When its head began to show, I leaned down across his lap and wrapped my sultry lips around it, feeling it slip inside my mouth and filling it up. My tongue pressed against it, caressing the tip and sliding it slowly in and out, making the passage as tight as I could. With my head buried in his crotch I couldn't see what he was doing, but his posture started to relax and he slid a little bit further down in the chair while I kept on sucking. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder gently. I let his slick cock slide out of my mouth and turned around, ...
... only to look into the eyes of the girl who was on the ticket counter earlier. She was a short, chubby bottle blonde, with short cut hair that only framed her face and a nice wide rack that didn't even show properly in the black polo shirt she was wearing. She had a cooler by her side, probably selling ice cream, and said something I couldn't hear over the beginning of the film. I sat up and leaned in towards her and she bent down to me. "Please signora," she said quietly, as not to disturb anyone, "this is... I'm afraid you need to stop." I grinned at her and asked: "Stop what?" She looked towards Triss' lap where part of his cock still stuck out of his pants, slowly losing its erection. "Well, you know," she said. "Stop... doing that..." I was amused at her squeamishness and suddenly grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling her down to me and placing a kiss hard on her mouth. She tasted very sweet, almost like her lipstick was made from sugar, and had the sweetest smell about her too. Her skin was soft and warm, and I closed my eyes, just breathing in the sensation. She was shocked, and stunned, and so at first she did nothing against it, but after a moment she mumbled under the kiss. I let go of her and she stammered: "I... ah... I..." I placed a finger on her lips and made a "shhhh" sound, looking around concerned. The film was finally starting. I pulled her down towards me again and whispered: "You don't want to disturb them, do you?" She shook her head and looked at me a ...