1. New Family Rules 2

    Date: 10/3/2015, Categories: Fiction Incest Author: boxfan91, Source: sexstories.com

    I woke up Saturday morning wondering how the day was going to go. Denise had promised to teach Sue about anal sex and I was assuming Billy was to get a lesson also. Denise truly enjoys anal sex, much to my delight. But I wasn't sure what her plan was to teach the kids. Denise was still sleeping, when I looked at the clock I knew why, 5:12am. I got out of bed trying not to disturb her and threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Before heading down stairs I checked on Sue and Billy. Both were sound asleep and naked. Sue was on her back with the sheets thrown off of her. In the dim lighting from the hallway I could see the nipples of her small A cup breasts were stiff. I could also see the faint beginnings of her pubic hair. Her legs were slightly open allowing me to see the young pussy that her brother had been sucking come from the day before. I smiled to myself thinking how beautiful she was. Billy was also sleeping on his back but his legs were spread wide open and his deputy dick was hard. The same dick that had taken my daughter's virginity. Despite the scene my wife and I had walked in on, Billy was a good kid. He was always willing to help out around the house, got good grades, and was always trying to learn something new. I was proud of him for the way the behaved and tried his hardest at anything he did. I walked to the kitchen to make coffee and was thinking about making breakfast for everyone when Billy walked in. "Good morning", I offered. "Hey Dad", was his ...
    ... response. We both went about getting something to drink without talking. I leaned against the counter sipping my coffee and Billy soon joined me drinking his milk. We stood in silence for a few moments. "Dad, are you mad at me for, ....... you know, yesterday", he asked without looking at me. "No. I was a little shocked at first". "I was scared when you and Mom walked in". "Well I would have been too", I answered honestly. "Sue isn't like other girls", he continued. "She doesn't make fun of me for being a little smaller than other guys in school. And she actually listens when I talk to her. Is it wrong to be in love with your sister", he asked in a tone of confusion. "I know you love your sister but I don't know if you're in love with her", I tried to explain. "Sue will always be special to you because she's your sister, and you had sex with her". "I did", he said proudly "Do I really get to put my thing in her butt and mouth", Billy inquired excitedly. "Only if she lets you, and I don't think you'll get to put anything in her butt for awhile. It takes time for a person's butt to be ready to have a penis put in it", I told him. He looked a little deflated but still looked hopeful. He finished his milk and rinsed out his cup and took his spot beside me again. He looked like he had a lot of questions but I didn't want to push him. "I kinda liked sucking my stuff out of Sue's, uh, privates", he said in a shy voice. "Is that weird," he asked. "I enjoy doing that with your mom too", I ...