The Violated Elf
Date: 2/3/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Bestiality, Cum Swallowing Gay Humiliation Non-consensual sex Author: cumguzzlingslut
He closed his eyes as he felt his rectum give up the fight against the unrelentingly increasing pressure and collapse as the first of the Goblins forced his fetid, filthy cock deep into his arse. He clenched his teeth and cried out at the sharp, white hot pain as the Goblin penetrated his virgin flesh while inwardly groaning at his defilement. The elven warriors’ pain did nothing to lessen the lust boiling in the Goblins loins if anything it only further stoked their fire. Goblins by their very nature enjoy the suffering of others and after a hundred years of war with the oh so precious first born the chance to humiliate, defile, degrade and debase one of the Quintari was a pleasure in itself. The Dark Lord had given them this one as their plaything to do with as they liked and they were going to enjoy gang raping this one. With well over a thousand goblins in this part of the Dark Lords Keep, to say nothing of the Trolls, Wargs and other base creatures currently residing here it was unlikely he would get any respite… or indeed survive his debasement. Having gained entry he could feel the Goblins engorged cock starting pistoning deep inside his bowels. Fast, hard, angrily it beat into him tearing at the soft internal walls of his ass. He felt revulsion and shame but chained obscenely bent over this granite rock with the remains of his armour in tatters he was completely unable to do anything to prevent his fate. A second Goblin took up position in front of him grabbed his ...
... hair and used it to lift his head. Before he could react the Goblin had pulled its loin cloth aside and shoved its cock, equally as disgusting as the first Goblins’, into his mouth and down his throat. The Elves eyes bulged as his body tried to reject the invader and instinctively he bit down hard. The Goblin again used his hair to wretch back the elves head and removed his penis. “You’re going regret that!” It snarled before grabbing the pommel of his sword and bringing it down hard into the elves face splitting his lip and knocking out his front teeth. Stunned by the blow the elf let his teeth fall from his mouth along with the mouthful of blood and before the shock of the blow and even passed found the Goblins cock once more forcing its way down his throat. All the while the first Goblin kept up its assault on his arse pounding away as hard and as fast as it could completely unconcerned to the pain it was causing, if anything it was enjoying the elves pain. Soon enough the second Goblin took up a similar fast and hard rhythm effectively fucking the elves skull. The elves torn anal ring burned in white hot agony, his bowels and intestines felt like they were being tenderized, his throat was raw and the pain from his exposed nerves where his once were screamed at him to do something to stop this abuse but there was nothing he could do. His lungs screamed for oxygen for he was unable to breath past the invader in his throat but this was a mercy. Humiliated, debased and degraded ...