Date: 2/1/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Blowjob Cum Swallowing Fan fiction, Humiliation Male / Females Pregnant, Author: bigaim24
I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS DEPICTED IN THIS STORY. The castle had fallen to the barbarian invaders.It had taken the Knights by surprise bas they seemed to appear out of nowhere,like a serpent waiting to strike.Within 5 hours the castle was taken and the Knights slain.Seeing darkness coming, the invaders had prepared for a second attack from the castle's gargoyle guardians.It was useless.Hardened through countless civil and outside wars,the barbarians held their own before overwhelming the gargoyles with sheer numbers.Most of the female fled as the male leader and his lieutenants were killed. The gargoyles had left their mark though.The barbarian war chief was impressed.If they captured,bred and trained these gargoyles for war, they would be unstoppable.They needed information first and then the hunt would begin for the creatures.Breeding a new generation of gargoyles would boost the morale of the troops.His ten inch cock hardened at the thought of fucking the gargoyle females.He had seen most had been well endowed and would bring his men great pleasure when mated. 'Bring the two prisoners.'He ordered his captain.With a salute he left for the dungeons and was back soon with the captives.The first was the princess Katharine,a beautiful royal and lady of the castle.Her long chestnut hair,pouty lips,large breasts and perfect figure had many of the watching barbarian army hard with many sexual thoughts.Second came the lady finella,a woman of noble both with beautiful ...
... blonde hair,pink painted lips,a large bust and a nice figure to boot.Both had been captured before they could escape the castle and taken captive.The war chief,Findred,smiled.Time for some fun. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 'I demand you release us.' The princess had not thought of capture and was frightened but determined not to show it.Her heart beat faster at the approach of the war chief.The man was an imposing figure and stood in front of the two women smiling a smug,superior smile of victory. 'But of course milady,of course.As long as you tell me the location of the female gargoyles hiding place,I'll be glad to send you on your way unharmed.'The grining war chief said.His men roared in approval,full of lust for some gargoyle pussy.The princess however wouldn't say a word.She had promised the fallen gargoyle leader,Goliath,to never breathe a word of their location.No matter how long he asked,the princess kept quiet on the location. 'Very well.It seems a more thorough interrogation is needed.Take them to my castle rooms.' The women were led to their destination as the barbarian army roared in victory and jeered at their defeat.Soon the princess would wish she had made the deal.Indeed she would. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In the master bedroom of the castle the two ladies stood by the fireplace waiting to know their fates.They could only wonder at what type of punishment the war chief had planned for their interrogation.The barbarian army were ...