My Brother and His Friends (True)
Date: 1/31/2017,
True Story
Group Sex
Written by women
Author: bad just4u
... told those two guys that your sister wants a fucking gangbang?” He shrugged, “You can say no. It’s too late for me to back out.” I just looked into his eyes. What the fuck had we gotten into? Did I want this? I wanted two guys. Would three be any different, or would it be too much? My mind was working overtime trying to process it all. Finally, I figured that if my brother were there with me, then everything should be okay. He wouldn’t let things get too far. “Okay,” I said, “But you have to promise that if things get weird, or I want out, you won’t give me shit, and let me go.” He pulled me into his arms, “Of course. I got your back.” I squeezed him tight. “All right, but we should have a way of stopping everything if I feel to weird.” “Okay,” he said, “There is a thing called a ‘safe word.’ You feel like shit is getting out of control, just say ‘banana,’ and I’ll stop everything, okay?” I nodded. “Cool, let’s go. You ready?” I nodded again, and he grabbed my hand and led me across the room down a small hallway and into a room at the end. The door was closed. My brother knocked twice. We heard three knocks back, and my brother knocked twice more. Apparently there was a code worked out earlier between them, because after my brother knocked the second time, there was a click of a lock being unlocked, and the door swung open. There, inside the room were my two new toys. One guy stood next to the bed. He was already naked. His head was shaved clean, and his face looked like a ...
... Greek God. His body was just as large as my brother’s. His body fat must have been near 4%. His chest and abs were beautiful. He had his hands on his hips, and I could see the definition in his huge arms. I looked lower, and his limp penis was 4 inches. He had shaved his pubic hair, and he was uncircumcised. Lower, his massive legs were like the trunks of tan trees. My brother led me all the way into the room, and I looked back at the other guy, who was closing the door. He was smaller in build than my brother and the other guy. He had black hair down to his shoulders. He was very handsome in the everyday guy way. Guys have the “girl next door” dream. This guy personified the “boy next door” look. No mother on Earth could be put off by his looks. This was the kind of guy they wanted their daughters to marry. And his cock. I once said that I thought my brother, at 8 inches was average based on the porn guys I had seen before. This guy was already hard, and he made my brother look small. I literally gasped. Holy shit. “Okay,” My brother said, “Let me get ready before we start.” He pulled off his shirt, revealing that chest that I had grown to adore. I helped him with his belt, unbuckling it slowly so that the other guys could watch. I slowly unbuttoned his pants, pulled down the zipper, and I slid his jeans down his legs, kneeling while I did it. When his pants were around his ankles, I was on my knees in front of him. I could see the bulge of his cock behind his boxers. He ...