1. Revolutionary Opportunity

    Date: 8/15/2015, Categories: College Sex, Author: Rotsen, Source: LushStories

    ... each man learned she was Frank Greyson's girl. She didn't hold it over them. Kristen's open cheerleader personality and bright natural flirtatiousness soon made her one of the favorites with the men even as her relationship with Frank kept them generally well behaved. Jack was cool too, quiet but commanding, and his presence maintained the decorum of the club. She became friends with the other girls, Karen and Tracy, also students. Tracy was kind of aloof at first and Kristen assumed it was because Tracy, in her punk rocker sort of way, was the prettiest other waitress. Kristen got to like her though, and settled into the job. She made good tips and life was good, at least until Thanksgiving. The football team had no games over Thanksgiving that season and the boys were told to go home to be with their families. Kristen however wasn't given time off. "It's a big weekend for us," Jack said, "Karen and Tracy already asked for time off to go home and they covered you for every home game. "Well, you might as well put me in for the whole fucking weekend then," Kristen said, so upset she had to fight back tears, "I'll have nothing else to do so I might as well make money." Wednesday night after most students deserted campus, Kristen stayed busy at the club which was surprisingly crowded. Most men it seems leave their wives alone to prepare for Thanksgiving dinner. Since Kristen was the only waitress on staff the men flirted more than usual but she was so harried it took extra ...
    ... effort just to "be nice". The tips were more generous then ever though. She made over six hundred dollars! Afterward she went straight home and waited for Frank to call. He never did, until Thanksgiving morning. "It was a big party night, babe, I went out out with all my old teammates," was the extent of his apology. Thanksgiving evening the club was almost deserted but a dozen or so guys straggled in as the evening wore on. Jack had given the other bartenders off but he and Kristen handled the place fine. By the time she was finished clearing and wiping the tables Jack was sitting at the bar with two of the most regular members, Al Wilson and Russ Nagey. Al was the guy that liked to throw around money and liked everyone to know he was successful in some computer business. Russ was one of the members that liked to flirt the most, with all the girls, not just Kristen. Like Al, he was both married and harmless, the club a refuge from their families. Al invited her to join them for a drink. She looked at Jack for approval since waitresses drinking with members was a violation. Jack nodded, "it's a Holliday." "Well I am thirsty, a beer would taste great." "A beer?" Al said, "You made it through your first Thanksgiving. You deserve Champagne!" "Thanks, but a beer..." "Nonsense, the bubbly will quench your thirst perfectly, it's on me!" He turned to Jack, "What's cold Jack, got any Tat?" Kristen realized she never had really good Champagne before and she couldn't get over how crisp and ...