Birching Miss Birch - Part Three of Three
Date: 1/25/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Female Domination,
Author: The_Technician
... stayed. Many people came up to speak with Darla. They acknowledged Maddy sitting next to her on the couch, but their conversation was with Darla. It would have been difficult to have a conversation with Maddy anyway. Her eyes seemed almost glazed over, and she periodically took deep intakes of breath. Her face was flushed and at times she held her arms very tightly together. It was almost as if she were on the brink of orgasm and was struggling not to climax in public– which is exactly what was going on. The next day, Maddy wore the same dress– and the same expression on her face– as they traveled home. Darla once again sat up front in the seat across from the driver where the leader of the group should sit. Maddy sat alone, moaning and quivering, in the back of the bus. *** Just before Christmas, Maddy was moved up into a supervisory position that had opened up due to a retirement. Her boss made the announcement to the office and added, “You know, a couple month ago, I was ready to fire her and about half of this office. And James over in acquisitions was ready to sell off that camp. But now you are the most productive and efficient office in the company. And there is a backlog of clients waiting to go through the wilderness turnaround experience.” He then turned to Darla and said, “And Jessie says that the secret to turning around an office like this is to talk to the second in command. I’m making sure that you stay with Amanda Birch from now on.” He laughed slightly, ...
... “Besides, Maddy often says that she wouldn’t know what to do unless you told her.” “I just give her some suggestions once in a while,” Darla replied. “It’s not like I’m the master and she’s the slave taking orders.” The supervisor said something else, but it was drowned out by the laughter of the entire office. Finally he just shook his head and said, “Things really have changed around here, haven’t they?” “That they have, Mr. Arnold,” Darla said. “That they have.” *** Epilogue (A section nobody reads that wraps up the loose ends in the story.) Six years later Amanda Jo Birch was named a vice-president of the company. Darla Lewis was still her administrative assistant. Maddy’s rise to such a level was the subject of several articles in well-known magazines and more than a few segments on morning news shows. There were also several articles about Darla. One of which was entitled, “The Power Behind the Throne.” Darla, herself, became a news story for a short while after the release of a book entitled,“Behind Every Powerful Woman Is An Even More Powerful Secretary.” The book was written under the pseudonym, Sara DeWille, and the cover of the book showed a drawing of a black woman of Darla’s approximate size and shape standing on her desk in full dominatrix attire holding a black leather whip in her hand. An interviewer asked her whether she was, in fact, the basis for that book. She laughed and replied, “You will have to ask Sara that question. Only she knows for sure.” No one ever ...