Date: 1/23/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: blueheatt
... wet. My doggy knot was coming up fast as this all was feeling good. I wanted to lick my balls, so bad, but…to late, here came the knot fast, like a one of those imported motorcycles I like to chase. I started shooting doggy cum like a fire hose! Lady gagged, and tried to get my knot of her mouth. POP was the sound I heard, as my cum painted her face like a white fence. She moaned and shivered and shook. I guess she liked it, as she hugged me called me “OH WILLIE! BABY!!!”…. I pulled away, I had to lick my self, and my doggy balls were sore now. Lady, still trying to hug me, rubbing me all over. I growled…I don’t like to be disturbed when I’m licking my dick. She laid back and moaned some more. Then….I smelled pussy! Lady’s legs were wide open as she lay there. I jumped up and started licking her pussy. Now she really moaned. “OH Willie!!, your to much!“… she was weak, and my long tongue pushed in so far, her eyes started to cross! I guess my cold nose was right on her clit. She yelped and held my head. I growled….I don’t like to be disturbed when I’m licking pussy. Her pussy started moving up and down with my licks. She said: “Oh my god Willie….oh baby….mama’s gonna cum so good, baby….I was done licking, and now I had to fuck. I crawled up on her and started humping, trying to find her hole. I think I must have humped her clit while I was trying. She yelled something about Jesus and God, and then ...
... reached down and helped me get my dick in her. In I went, my automatic fucking went into high gear. I closed my eyes and saw stars and beautiful female dogs. Lady began to yodel. I felt like I was riding a piston from a 10,000 rpm engine. I licked my lips as I tasted pussy. Then I stopped. I panted and panted as my automatic cummer went on and on. Now I had a real big knot in her, and I wanted to lick my dick again. I pulled, she moaned and said …”OH God No Willie…wait!!! Please wait! We laid there, panting. It was hot. I was bored. She looked like a runaway milk pump got her. What a mess. POP, and I was gone to lick my dick again. She moaned and ask me If I loved her. I just wagged my tail…sure, sure, now lets eat! She gave me so much steak that night I fell asleep with my nose in my doggy dish. The next day she said she bought me a Christmas present! I was hoping for a new Frisbee. In stead she got me some padded doggy socks. I hated them….I couldn’t feel the floor right, and I slipped and slid around. She said they were for Willie’s fun time, and would keep my paws from scratching her. I still hated them. I fuck her a lot now, but I have to wear those stupid socks, and we fuck on a plastic sheet….ukkkk’. Now her girlfriends all come over and her two sisters too. I fuck’em all, except when the mailman comes, I bark like hell! I’m gonna get the son of bitch some day and bite him in the ass! ...