My wife's best friend and her mom
Date: 10/1/2015, Categories: Anal Mature Taboo Author: cman47390
... remember. I say that is why I am probably so happy with my wife. Sex is not the great thing in our life. It is something we use to show each other affection but if we have it fine and if we don't fine. Neither one of us gets bent out of shape about it. But that's not to say that we don't like looking at others and thinking about what it would be like. We do tell each other that we still look and get that sensation of wanting someone else once in a while but that too passes in a fleeting moment usually. She says that my wife tells her basically the same thing about our sex life that it is good but we are past the have to have it all the time stage and when we do have it it is great and when we don't that it is OK too because we have so much other stuff going on that you really don't miss what you're not thinking about. She says my wife knows I look at other women, all men do, and that she is fine with it because we love each other and are happy together. I tell her that all the women I've had sex with were just that for the most part just sex partners. Usually just for a few weeks then on to greener pastures. I never had a bad breakup I still get along with all of them and things are just good with most of them if I still see them. I ask her about her first time with all of the usual sex acts. And you know by now I'm literally throbbing in my pants. I'm surprised she can't hear my cock throbbing to the rhythm of my heartbeat. She says she tried oral the first time when she ...
... was 17. Like all other girls she did it because she was afraid of getting pregnant and found out she was very good at it. (I think I just shot a blank load when she said that) I ask about anal and she said she tried it a couple different times and wasn't that impressed. That she probably wouldn't rule that out for life but it would have to be really hot and heavy to get her to do it again. I ask the question every guy dreams about and ask her about experimenting with other girls and she said yes. When she was 14 -16 her and some friends would ask each other all kinds of questions and would look at each others bodies and pussies and asses and tits and compare notes and touch each other and see what would cause an orgasm and what they wished a guy would do with them the first time they had sex. I asked if she like it. She grins and says, "I have to be honest and say yes I liked it very much. I still crave that kind of closeness with another woman but there is no way I could do that with anyone today. I would be too embarrassed to ask or be asked to do it." I swear I am shooting blanks all over my underwear by now. I am having dry orgasms and she can see me having some kind of reaction and she likes it. I ask her how she first learned all of this stuff, you know, blow jobs, how to have sex and all that good shit. At first she won't say. She says it's too personal. I remind her of the one and only rule of the game. She finally says, "I knew I was going to have to tell you this when ...