Glamour Shots, Chapter 17
Date: 1/17/2017,
Wife Lovers,
Author: stormdog100
... die and performing mouth-to-mouth…in which case he was probably going to die. “No, Rob, you didn’t catch us fooling around! Now, if you’d have shown up twenty minutes earlier…” He laughed again, but Sherry finally managed to get it under control enough to ask a question of her own. “Well then, answer one thing for me; where did they ever find that little leopard-spotted hamster they skinned to make your cute little goodie-bag?” I shook my head, but I heard Alli giggling alongside me, and Rob was off into another paroxysm of laughter. Apparently I had not done as good of a job covering myself with the cookie sheets as I had hoped. “Cute, Sherry; you’re a real hoot. Did y’all come by just to do your comedy routine, or is there a reason we’re blessed with your presence?” Rob held up two six-packs, bottles, one each of two different microbrew craft beers, and Sherry held out two sacks, one white paper and the other a plastic grocery bag; she explained, “We got some fresh brats at Otto’s, and kraut, and buns, beer, spicy mustard, the works; if you’ll supply the grill, we’ve got the food covered…you haven’t eaten yet, have you? Besides each other, I mean?” Alli blushed crimson. “Sherry! You’re awful! And no, we were just about to order pizza, but this sounds much better.” It did, too! Otto’s makes a fine bratwurst – and Polish sausage, and several other types, when you can get them; he sells out quickly. Don’t get me wrong, Johnsonville makes a fine and delicious product, but ...
... they just can’t compete with a small-batch, old-school, specialty sausage maker and butcher like Otto’s, and the fact that Rob and Sherry had scored a batch - and thought of us - almost made up for showing up and nearly catching us in flagrante delicto. Rob and Sherry are older than us – about four years older than me, which makes them about nine years older than Alli. Rob is the most easy-going, jovial, laid back guy you’ll ever meet; even on a construction site, on a bad day when everything is going awry, people tend to gravitate to Rob as an island of calm and equanimity in a sea of chaos. Sherry is a bit more of a nervous, ‘Type A’ personality, a take-charge type that wants everything just so, always very organized and always with a plan – although always good-heartedly and with the best of intentions, I must say. She, because they are older than us, I suspect, tends to fuss and mother-hen us a bit - Allison in particular. Alli understands, and maybe even appreciates the older woman’s attention and concern for her. I went out and fired up the grill – and then turned the furnace down - while they met Ruby, and oohed and aahed over her appropriately, both of them dog lovers. While it heated up, Sherry was tactless enough to tell Alli that she smelled like sex – after all, what are friends for, right? Rob agreed, telling her it worked good on her, and Alli, blushing deeply (but no doubt enjoying the attention), was convinced to open her robe just enough to reveal a hint of her ...