1. My Boss Made The Mistake Of Sending Me And My Cute Co- Worker On An Out-Of- Town Business Trip

    Date: 8/15/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Author: drealprince

    We don’t normally go out-of-town for work; maybe two, three times a year, at most. When we do, we usually go alone. There’s never really been a need for more than one person. I had just been promoted a couple of months prior, so this was my first big test in the new position. The company decided to send Shannon, a cute blonde intern who was fresh out of college and quickly impressing our bosses, with me. The hotel wasn’t far enough away to take a plane and it made no sense to take two cars, so we planned to take the four-hour trip in my car. A lot of my friends gave the usual responses when I told them I was going out of town with my cute co- worker, which I kind of expected, but I was surprised that my dad seemed a little worried. He called me as I was packing the night before. “Zach, make sure Shannon doesn’t come on to you while you’re driving.” I couldn’t tell from his tone if he was kidding or if he was serious. In any case, I didn’t plan on anything happening, plus, she was seeing someone. Aside from the fact that the thought never occurred to me to begin with, the fact that she was unavailable was added re-assurance that nothing would happen. We didn’t know much about each other before the trip, but over the four- hour drive we learned a lot about one another. She learned that I played soccer for a number of years and can’t cook a decent meal, while I learned that she was born in Texas and can absolutely slay Eminem’s part in “Forgot About Dre.” We checked into the ...
    ... hotels and headed for our rooms, which were right next to one another, and unpacked before heading out to grab some dinner. It wasn’t until the check was on its way that I realized she had not mentioned her boyfriend, or anything involving her relationship all night. On our way back to the hotel, I figured that it couldn’t hurt to ask, so I did. “So, how are things with Vince?” I asked. She flinched. I don’t know if she knew that I saw her, but she quickly composed herself. “Um, well, we’re not together anymore,” she said, clearly caught off guard. “You know how it is.” I asked if she wanted to talk about it, but she politely declined. “Thanks, though,” she said, grabbing my hand on the shifter. After about a second and a half, it hit her that she was holding my hand, and quickly pulled away. “I’m so sorry about that,” she said, nervously. I laughed, “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone.” As we walked through the hotel lobby, I thought about whether or not I would try to kiss her at the end of the night. By the time we reached the elevator, I knew that it was a horrible idea. I had too much to lose for something that I wasn’t even sure she wanted. We got to our floor and didn’t give each other so much as a hug goodnight. As I was washing my face, I heard a knock at the door. I dried off and opened it to find nobody there. I went back into the bathroom, heard another knock, and again opened it to an empty hallway. Looking around, I heard another, softer, knock. It was the door between ...